Keyword Search(Steering Wheel, Gasket, etc)
Group Number Search(3.686)
Part Number Search(450517)
1930-1932 Eight - INSTRUMENT BOARD
Part Number | Part Description | Application / Note | QTY |
Instrument board ammeter | - | X | |
Instrument board ammeter | - | X | |
Gasket | - | X | |
Instrument board ammeter glass | - | X | |
Instrument board ammeter glass | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 6) | - | X | |
Instrument board ammeter terminal Insulator | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve connecting rod assembly | - | X | |
Yoke end adjusting (A') | - | X | |
Yoke end pin (A") | - | X | |
Cotter A V) | - | X | |
Nut No. 10 32) | - | X | |
Spring washer (A") | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve control cable assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Yoke end adjusting (A") | - | X | |
Yoke end pin (A") | - | X | |
Cotter (A ?') | - | X | |
Nut (No. 10-32 plain) | - | X | |
Spring washer (A") | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve control rod knob (ivory) | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve | - | X | |
Screw ()4-28 x hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (J4") | - | X | |
Nut 04'-28) | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve control shaft lever | - | X | |
Taper pin (No. 0 x %") | - | X | |
Instrument board carburetor air valve control shaft spring | - | X | |
Washer (A') | - | X | |
Cotter (A x y 8") | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter (Gasoline type) | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter tip and knob assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter | - | X | |
Instrument board cigar lighter | - | X | |
Instrument board clock (Jaeger type) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock (Jaeger type) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock (Waltham type) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock (Bruen type) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock clamp | - | X | |
Screw (%-28 x fi" fill, hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (}4") | - | X | |
Instrument board clock gasket | - | X | |
Instrument board clock glass (Jaeger) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock glass (Waltham and Jaeger) | - | X | |
Instrument board clock glass | - | X | |
Instrument board control rod ferrule | - | X | |
Instrument board control rod spring | - | X | |
Instrument board cover assembly (for North East speedometer) | - | X | |
Nut (!. 28 plain) | - | X | |
Stud 04' special) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (14) | - | X | |
Instrument board cover assembly-left | - | X | |
Instrument board cover assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod assembly | - | X | |
Yoke end pin (A" | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod yoke end | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod yoke end | - | X | |
Nut (No. 10-32) | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod yoke end pin | - | X | |
Cotter (f<< X ,) | - | X | |
Washer spring (A" ) | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor connecting rod yoke end pin bushing | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor | - | X | |
Screw (}4-28 x ?4") | - | X | |
Lockwasher 04") | - | X | |
Nut O a '~ 28) | - | X | |
Cotter pm (,6 V) | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor control rocker lever pin | - | X | |
Spacer | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor control rod | - | X | |
Yoke end adjusting (A" ) | - | X | |
Yoke end pin (A") | - | X | |
Cotter (A V) | - | X | |
Nut (No. 10-32) | - | X | |
Washer spring (A") | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor control red knob (ivory) | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor control rod knob (green tint) | - | X | |
Instrument board distributor control rod knob (Beatl) | - | X | |
Instrument board finishing | - | X | |
Instrument board finishing plate | - | X | |
Instrument board finishing plate | - | X | |
Instrument board finishing plate | - | X | |
Washer-inner | - | X | |
Washer-outer | - | X | |
Lock | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge gasket | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge | (used on 740) | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge | (used on 745) | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge glass | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge glass | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge and ammeter plate | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x %" rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board gasoline gauge tube strap clamp (Axle i") | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition cable bushing | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition cable bushing | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition coil and switch assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition coil and switch assembly | - | X | |
Clamp screw (A-24 x %" hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (A" plain) | - | X | |
Nut (A"-24 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition coil bracket assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition coil bracket assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board ignition coil bracket assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board instrument clamp-left | - | X | |
Instrument board instrument clamp-right | - | X | |
Stud | - | X | |
Washer | - | X | |
Lockwasher ('zi') | - | X | |
Nut (kf-28) | - | X | |
Instrument board light-direct | - | X | |
Instrument board light screw (No. 8 | - | X | |
Instrument board light screw nut (No. 8-32) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board light base-direct | - | X | |
Instrument board light cover-direct | - | X | |
Instrument board light bulb | - | X | |
Instrument board light socket retainer | - | X | |
Instrument board light socket retainer | - | X | |
Instrument board light SWITCH | - | X | |
Instrument board light SWITCH | - | X | |
Instrument board light SWITCH | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8 32 x flat hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 8) | - | X | |
Nut (No. 8-32 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board light to switch cable assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board light to switch cable assembly-indirect | - | X | |
Cable terminal ( 42" eye) | - | X | |
Terminal Insulator | - | X | |
Instrument board motor thermometer assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board motor thermometer assembly | - | X | |
Gasket | - | X | |
Instrument board motor thermometer plate | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x '4" rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher No. 8 | - | X | |
Instrument board oil gauge | - | X | |
Instrument board oil gauge | - | X | |
Gasket | - | X | |
Instrument board oil gauge plate | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x 1 4' rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board plate assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board plate screw | - | X | |
Nut (No. 10 32) | - | X | |
Washer (') | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light insulated contact assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light knob (ivory) | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light knob (green tint) | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light knob (Beatl) | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light bulb | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light plunger assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light plunger socket | - | X | |
Instrument board reading light shade | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod bracket screw (1 28 x hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (J4 ") | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod bracket lover screw 04-28 x 4" hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (4") | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod knob | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod knob lock nut | - | X | |
Yoke end pin (H) | - | X | |
Spring Washer | - | X | |
Cotter pin (x Y") | - | X | |
Yoke end adjusting 04') | - | X | |
Nut (}4'-28) | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod plunger ball | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod plunger spring | - | X | |
Cotter pin (A H") | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod support tube and bracket assembly (prior to frame No. 345590 and 194175) | - | X | |
Instrument board shock absorber control operating rod support tube and bracket assembly (after frame No. 345590 and 194175) | - | X | |
Part Number | Part Description | Application / Note | QTY |
Speedometer-North East-(miles per hour) | - | X | |
Speedometer-North East-(miles per hour) | - | X | |
Speedometer-North East-(kilometer) | - | X | |
Speedometer-North East-(kilometer) | - | X | |
Gasket (supersedes No.190048) | - | X | |
Speedometer clamp screw 1/4-28 x 3/4" rnd. hd. mach | - | X | |
Speedometer clamp screw 1/4-28 x 13/16" fi11. hd. mach | - | X | |
Speedometer driving shaft-North East- | - | X | |
Speedometer driving shaft-Norh East- | - | X | |
Clip (prior to frame to 293663 for 726-733 and 183960 for 740 and 183262 for 745) | - | X | |
Clip (after frame No. 293662 for 726-733-183959 for 740 | - | X | |
for 745) | - | X | |
Clip-special | - | X | |
Screw No. 10-32 x 5/8" fill, hd | - | X | |
Lockwasher 3/16" | - | X | |
Speedometer driving shaft cable-North East-(square upper end) | - | X | |
Speedometer driving shaft cable | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.38 to 1 ratio) (22 teeth) (prior to frame No. 281649 for 733) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.41 to 1 ratio) (22 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.38 to 1 ratio) (21 teeth) | (used on 733) (after frame No. 281648) | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.69 to 1 ratio) (24 teeth) (prior to frame No. 281649 for 733) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.69 to 1 ratio) (23 teeth) | (used on 733) (after frame No. 281648) | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (5.08 to 1 ratio) (24 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (5.08 to 1 ratio) (25 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (5.07 to 1 ratio) (25 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.07 to 1 ratio) (20 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.06 to 1 ratio) (20 teeth) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion and shaft (4.69 to 1 ratio) (23 teeth) | - | X | |
Key Whitney No. 10 | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.38 to 1 ratio) (prior to frame No. E81649 for 733) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.41 to 1 ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.38 to 1 ratio) | (used on 733) (after frame No. 281648) | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.69 to 1 ratio) (prior to frame No. E81649 for 733) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.69 to 1 ratio) | (used on 733) (after frame No. 281648) | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (6.08 to ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (5.08 to ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (6.07 to 1 ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.07 to 1 ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.06 to 1 ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing (4.69 to 1 ratio) | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing gasket | - | X | |
Speedometer driven pinion shaft bearing screw 1/4-28 3/4" hex. hd | - | X | |
Lockwasher 1/4" | - | X | |
Speedometer driving gear | - | X | |
Speedometer driving shaft screw | - | X | |
Part Number | Part Description | Application / Note | QTY |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door assembly-left | - | X | |
Screw (No. 6-40 x g flat hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lock washer (No. 6) | - | X | |
Nut (No. 6-40 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door bumper | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge-left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment doorknob (ivory) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob (green tint) | - | X | |
Screw No. 10-32 x lid" oval hd. mach | - | X | |
Screw No. 10-32 x fill hd. mach | - | X | |
Lockwasher No. 10 | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel plate | - | X | |
Screw (No. 4-40 x } >" flat hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lock washer (No. 4) | - | X | |
Nut (No. 4) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (}4-28 x flat hd.) | - | X | |
Screw (}4-28 x J-g" hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Washer (' plain) | - | X | |
Lock washer (}4" ) | - | X | |
Nut 04"-28 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly-left | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x sg" oval hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lock washer (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door bumper | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Screw No. 10-32 x 4" fill. hd. mach | - | X | |
Lock washer No. 10 | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly-left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door striker plate | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (%-28 x ?%" flat hd.) | - | X | |
Screw (4-28 x hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Washer (%' plain) | - | X | |
Lock washer 04" ) | - | X | |
Nut 04'-28 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support liner | - | X | |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly-left | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x 3s" oval hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Washer (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door anti-rattler | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge assembly | - | X | |
Rivet ( x i'," tub. rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Screw (No. 10-32 x 1 2' fill. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher ('4") | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly--right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door striker plate | - | X | |
Rivet (,% x '4" rnd. hd. tub.) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (14-28 x :l4" oval hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Screw (4-28 x 5 s" hex. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Washer (14") | - | X | |
Lockwasher ('4") | - | X | |
Nut (' 4 '-28) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support liner | - | X | |
Part Number | Part Description | Application / Note | QTY |
Panel-cowl assembly | - | X | |
Panel-dash assembly | - | X | |
Panel-dash cover assembly | - | X | |
Panel-dash interliner | - | X | |
Panel-dash liner | - | X | |
Panel-door front right assembly | - | X | |
Panel-door front left assembly | - | X | |
Panel-door rear right assembly | - | X | |
Panel-door rear left assembly | - | X | |
Part Number | Part Description | Application / Note | QTY |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door assembly-left | - | X | |
Screw (No. 6-40 x /$ flat head) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door bumper | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge-left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob (green tint) | - | X | |
Screw (No. 10-32 x 1j 4" oval hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Screw (No. 10-32 x fill. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher No. 10 | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door | - | X | |
Screw (No. 4-40 x J flat hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lock washer (No. 4) | - | X | |
Nut (No. 4 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw 0-28 x A" flat hd.) | - | X | |
Screw Oj-28 x W flat hd.) | - | X | |
Washer (J plain) | - | X | |
Lock washer (% ") | - | X | |
Nut ('-28 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board assembly. | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8 32 x oval hd.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door bumper | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge rivet ( x 1 j tub rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | (used on 473-4-5-6-7-8 9) | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | (used on 463 4-S-6-7-8 9) | X | |
Screw (No. 10 32 x 1 _>" fill. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher No. 10 | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly (walnut finish) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly-left (walnut finish) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instruments board compartment door striker pla | - | X | |
Rivet x 1 rnd. hd. tubular) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (' 28 x flat hd.) | - | X | |
Screw (>4 28 x V flat hd.) | - | X | |
Washer ().iw plain) | - | X | |
Lockwasher ( ") | - | X | |
Nut 28 plain) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support liner | - | X | |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8 32 x V oval hd.) | - | X | |
Washer (No. ) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door anti rattler | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge assembly | - | X | |
Rivet ( x ,V tub. rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Screw (No. 10 32 x 1 /' fill. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lockwasher (1 4") | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door striker plate | - | X | |
Rivet ( x 11 ' rnd. hd. tub.) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (1 4 28 x 4" O. H. mach.) | - | X | |
Screw (4-28 x # hex. hd.) | - | X | |
Washer ( 11") | - | X | |
Lockwasher (', '') | - | X | |
Nut ('," 28) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support liner | - | X | |
Instrument board assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door frame assembly | - | X | |
Screw (No. 8-32 x oval hd,) | - | X | |
Washer (No. 8) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door anti-rattler | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door hinge assembly | - | X | |
Rivet (j" x tub. rnd. hd.) | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door knob | - | X | |
Screw (No. 10-32 x fill. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Lock washer (,5 S") | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly-right | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door panel assembly left | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door spring dowel | - | X | |
Instrument board compartment door striker plate | - | X | |
Rivet (" x W rnd. hd. tub.) | - | X | |
Instrument board steering post bracket support | - | X | |
Screw (14" 28 x oval hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Screw (}4"-28 x ).j" hex. hd. mach.) | - | X | |
Washer Oi") | - | X | |
Lockwasher (}4') | - | X | |
Nut 04 '--28) | - | X |