View of motorists in Packard pilot car in front of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel during the 1908 Philadelphia Legal Speed Run. Banner on side of car reads: "Legal Speed Run for Brazier Cup, pilot, Automobile Club of Philadelphia. " Stamped on back: "Spooner & Wells, Inc.
View of motorists in Packard car traveling on dirt road during the 1909 Sealed Bonnet Contest. Handwritten on back: "Packard. Tours--Sealed Bonnet Contest, 1909.
Rear view of spectators surrounding official Packard tire car during the 1910 Harrisburg Endurance Run. "Official tire car, Packard, Meeley the tire man, Motor Club of Harrisburg" banner is displayed on back of car. The Motor Club of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania sponsored spring and fall reliability contests which covered routes through Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey.
View of woman posing with a 1956 Studebaker-Packard Predictor show car. Item #: na030009 Photo courtesy of the Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection and used with permission. Reproduction Permission Form and Price List.
View of motorists in Packard car during the 1909 Sealed Bonnet Contest. Stamped on back: "Spooner & Wells, Inc. , photographers, telephones 3472-3473 Columbus, 1931 Broadway, New York.