I wonder if the linseed oil method Hank used to cover the old horribly weathered junkyard paint on his 55 to give it the patina he wanted is sticky enough and would work to hold down the larger flakes and keep them from falling off. Not sure how you would get the lifted flakes to lie flat and stay while things dried though.
You might check out his project blog starting around page 155 and read for the next 10-12 pages or so
https://packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=124546#forumpost124546 to see the start of the application and polishing -- lots of work and somewhat involved -- but the shiny results and hard finish are surprisingly amazing. The condition of the original finish is shown in quite a few photos in the pages prior and finished results a few pages after.
Barring that maybe clear gloss synthetic enamel would stabilize yet not destroy the original nitrocellulose lacquer. Getting the old finish clean enough for a new coat to stick using either method might do the damage you are trying to avoid.
This Post was from: https://packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=205215