Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
1951 400 intake manifold | Steve Taylor | 2013/3/25 19:15 | 4 | 2148 | 2013/4/2 9:25 by David Grubbs |
Sprung a Leak | Gary | 2013/4/2 8:12 | 1 | 1027 | 2013/4/2 8:17 by Tim Cole |
49 keys [1][2] | Mark Hill | 2013/1/13 22:23 | 18 | 4538 | 2013/4/1 23:52 by Mark Hill |
What color is my car? [1][2][3] | 1968lew | 2013/3/26 10:51 | 22 | 7904 | 2013/4/1 20:54 by 1968lew |
1947 2106 | West Peterson | 2013/4/1 7:23 | 2 | 1588 | 2013/4/1 8:51 by JD in KC |
Miss at Idle [1][2][3][4] | DrewLA | 2013/3/5 15:10 | 35 | 11132 | 2013/4/1 0:48 by DrewLA |
1948 Deluxe Touring Sedan Hub Caps [1][2] | John Brinegar | 2013/3/28 12:23 | 10 | 5537 | 2013/3/29 10:53 by John Brinegar |
47 Clipper (Ebay) | Packard0 | 2013/3/27 20:03 | 2 | 1955 | 2013/3/28 18:12 by jesse |
Tire Pressure [1][2][3]...[6] | 1968lew | 2013/3/22 9:52 | 52 | 18026 | 2013/3/28 8:50 by Tim Cole |
Grey engine paint from Bill Hirsch... [1][2] | D-train | 2013/3/5 1:13 | 11 | 7276 | 2013/3/26 17:47 by Ross |
transmission gearshift idler levers | Mark Graber | 2013/3/25 21:07 | 2 | 1210 | 2013/3/25 22:05 by Mark Graber |
47 Clipper | Randy Berger | 2013/3/7 23:45 | 3 | 1939 | 2013/3/24 14:27 by packard1949 |
'49 Deluxe Speedo help please | Mark Hill | 2012/12/11 2:46 | 9 | 3077 | 2013/3/21 15:34 by Mark Hill |
Speedometer cable repair? [1][2] | 1968lew | 2013/3/18 20:09 | 11 | 6108 | 2013/3/20 13:30 by Ozstatman |
53 Patrician on ebay | David Grubbs | 2013/3/19 19:08 | 1 | 1159 | 2013/3/19 19:26 by Randy Berger |
Locking Gas Cap part number | steve828 | 2013/3/18 22:10 | 4 | 2104 | 2013/3/19 14:17 by steve828 |
overdrive woes | David Grubbs | 2013/3/19 10:50 | 1 | 1074 | 2013/3/19 11:12 by Owen_Dyneto |
54 with rebuilt 359 | Packard0 | 2013/3/16 12:40 | 3 | 1752 | 2013/3/18 2:14 by steve-52/200 |
Rear Axle Drive Shaft Oil Seal | Phil53 | 2013/3/17 8:54 | 2 | 1445 | 2013/3/17 21:57 by Phil53 |
PACKARD PAN AMERICAN INFO WANTED FOR ARTICLE | Leeedy | 2013/3/17 18:19 | 0 | 926 | 2013/3/17 18:19 by Leeedy |
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