Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
fuel pump | Bob | 2011/8/29 18:01 | 5 | 3338 | 2011/8/30 16:32 by Bob |
48 49 50 Instrument Switch Panel Electrical | Johnny | 2011/8/28 18:36 | 2 | 1862 | 2011/8/28 20:12 by Johnny |
What the heck happened. [1][2][3] | Bill | 2011/8/15 19:37 | 23 | 11306 | 2011/8/27 10:09 by Bill |
AC Fuel Filter Question | Rich Bishop | 2011/8/27 4:30 | 2 | 2018 | 2011/8/27 7:53 by Mike |
Water pump rebuild on 1950 288 | packman70 | 2011/8/26 15:25 | 4 | 3724 | 2011/8/26 23:08 by fred kanter |
looking for a photo | Tim49 | 2011/8/16 21:47 | 6 | 3389 | 2011/8/25 21:42 by WILLIS BIRKS |
Foglight location | Fred Puhn | 2011/8/23 10:18 | 8 | 3822 | 2011/8/25 19:21 by Gerard O'Keefe |
Want to see a 2279 Convertible please. [1][2] | Bill B | 2011/8/13 1:59 | 13 | 8480 | 2011/8/24 7:50 by Bill B |
Just got back from 1.5 hr drive in my 52 [1][2][3] | Tim49 | 2011/8/16 21:28 | 24 | 8936 | 2011/8/24 3:05 by Rich Bishop |
Opinions please [1][2][3][4] | 19482255 | 2011/8/5 22:48 | 37 | 18368 | 2011/8/23 21:53 by Dell |
47 Clipper R9 OD [1][2] | packard1949 | 2011/8/16 17:00 | 15 | 6441 | 2011/8/22 22:26 by JWL |
usb charging in an old car [1][2] | 54clipper | 2011/8/17 17:54 | 16 | 8424 | 2011/8/19 20:01 by 54clipper |
53 gas tank [1][2] | Bob | 2011/8/13 13:18 | 16 | 7291 | 2011/8/19 9:56 by Bob |
'51-54 models Wheelbase | johntrhodes81 | 2011/8/18 13:23 | 9 | 4376 | 2011/8/19 7:41 by Rusty O\'Toole |
1948 SUPER 8 DOOR MOLDINGS NEEDED | CHRIS | 2011/8/17 15:31 | 7 | 3560 | 2011/8/18 20:47 by Dell |
Electromatic Clutch Tubing | 46limofinally | 2011/8/17 5:59 | 3 | 2790 | 2011/8/18 5:05 by 46limofinally |
1954 CLIPPER POWER BRAKE CONVERSION [1][2][3][4] | WILLIS BIRKS | 2011/7/22 13:56 | 36 | 19171 | 2011/8/17 15:35 by BigKev |
53 with ultramatic transm- inside tranie oil deposit all over | Andre Trudel | 2011/8/16 14:46 | 3 | 2494 | 2011/8/16 17:08 by Tim Cole |
Is it possible to test the Clock [1][2] | oregonstan | 2011/8/9 3:44 | 10 | 5427 | 2011/8/16 14:06 by Tim49 |
51-54 rear emergency brake cable identity....? [1][2] | flackmaster | 2011/8/6 18:27 | 16 | 6995 | 2011/8/13 14:37 by 56executive |
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