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Re: 1936 120 Rear bumper brackets installation
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

David, thank you for the information. They are now installed. They were on the car when I got it from Gary and everything fit well. I hope to have the car back together by the end of this summer. It has been a long process.

Posted on: 2022/4/12 13:19
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

1936 120 Rear bumper brackets installation
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am trying to install the rear bumper brackets, with no luck so far. I need to know if the brackets go to the inside of the frame rail or the outside of the frame rail. So far I can do neither. I do have the long brackets for the trunk rack. These were taken off the car before bodywork and paint work.
The first picture shows the rear end of the side frame rail. Do the brackets go into the hole towards the left and next to the inside of the frame rail?
The second picture is looking straight in from the rear of the body through the hole in the body for the brackets to go. Do they go to the inside or outside of the side frame rail?
The third picture if the outside of the frame rail.
The last picture is one of the bumper brackets.

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Posted on: 2022/4/9 22:29
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: 1937 120 Headliner Bows
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I did upholstery on collector cars for 35 years. Sometimes the rear bow will attach to a wood or metal piece with screws, but only in the middle of the bow. The other bows generally fit into a hole in the wood along the top edge of the roof. What holds them in place (front to back) is the piece sewn onto the headliner that the bows slide into.

Posted on: 2021/11/10 22:01
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

The body of my 1936 turned green and shiny
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

After starting the paint and upholstery on my 1936 Packard in 2011 I finally got the body painted Trianon Metallic Green. It seems having the car in a shop getting some rust repaired for 2 years, getting a divorce, getting remarried, and getting 4 kinds of cancer slowed me down a little. However it is now green. I will need to do some touch up and more buffing to get it really shiny.
Now I need to paint all the parts that are off the car. Many of them are primed and ready for sanding before the green goes on.
The upholstery is all made and ready for install, except the carpet and new top, which will be done after the car is reassembled.

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Posted on: 2021/10/30 13:10
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am looking for 2 1936-37 Packard 120 sidemount tread covers. I have a pair that measure about 28 1/2 inches in diameter that are too big for 16 inch tires. The ones I need are about 26 1/2 inches in diameter. Keith 253-841-1126 between 9 AM and 9 PM Pacific Coast time.

Posted on: 2021/5/18 19:03
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: Car Identification
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Going by the front fenders the car is not a 120. It is a senior Packard and is probably of 1937 vintage, as 1938 Packards had split front windshields.

Posted on: 2021/4/2 16:48
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Wow, my friend is quick
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My friend came over today and removed the windshield frame, cowl ventilator and water temperature gauge in less than two hours.
To remove these items he had to remove the glove box so he could get to the bolts holding the windshield frame onto the car. The radio speaker also had to come out. The black cardboard on the inside of the firewall had to be removed, along with the floorboards, to get the water temperature gauge out.
Now I can remove the paint from the cowl to prepare it for the new paint and get the windshield frame chrome plated.
Once the new paint is on we can start reassembling the car, and then I can drive it.

Posted on: 2021/4/2 16:42
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: My 1936 120 convertible sedan is coming along
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hello, David. It will be probably within 6 years. I am 78, in the last 14 months I had 4 different cancers, and I have diabetes. The preceding is not a recipe for a really long life. However the cancer is all behind me now and the diabetes had been under control for many years. Each day I feel better and can get more done. I would like to have the car painted and back together and driving this year.
Gary says to give you a kiss hello.

Posted on: 2021/3/31 20:21
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

My 1936 120 convertible sedan is coming along
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A couple three months ago I was having problems removing the engine pan so I could repair 2 cylinders that were low on compression. I finally got the pan off which required 4 screwdrivers, one hammer, and 3 hours. It seems the gasket sealer used on the car set up like glue. I found one cylinder had a broken ring and the other just needed new rings. I honed the cylinders and put it back together with new rings. Both cylinders now have the proper compression and the engine runs fine.

I have been stripping the paint from the body. Today I primed the body, except for the cowl. I have also primed a lot of the parts I have removed from the car. The paint store has custom mixed Trianon Green Metallic paint for me that is virtually a perfect match for the paint chip I have of the color.

Friday a friend will be over and we will remove the windshield. I can then strip the cowl and get it primed. After a lot of sanding and some minor fill the car will be ready for paint.

The windshield frame and a couple of other small pieces need re-chroming. Hopefully it does not cost an arm or two. Most of the chrome looks like new.

All of the interior has been removed and I have made all the black leather pieces - seats, door panels, kick panels, rear quarter panels, etc. They are ready to go back in the car after it is painted. Then it will be just make a new top for it and put in new carpet. It may get finished before I die.

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Posted on: 2021/3/31 18:14
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: The latest not so good news 1936 Packard pan removal
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you for the good information about the oil slinger. Today I spent 3 hours with 4 long screwdrivers and a hammer getting the engine pan loose from the block. Whoever put the engine together used a sealer that acted like a very strong glue.
I am taking the rest of the day off as we are doing a very small 78th birthday celebration for me this evening.
Tomorrow I have a visit with my oncologist and then a visit with the Dr. who will do my radiation. Then later in the day a small number of family members will be over for my birthday. The day should end much better than it will start.
Friday I will get the engine hoist out and lift the front of the engine so I can get the pan out. Wish me luck.
A picture from 2010 of old guy with Packard.

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Posted on: 2020/11/18 18:55
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

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