EE -16 Carb Stalling on acceleration
Just can't stay away
What should intake manifold vacuum reading at idle on the EE-16 Carb ?
Posted on: 2017/2/13 0:26
1939 - 120 ,4 dr / overdrive
Re: EE -16 Carb Stalling on acceleration
Forum Ambassador
For an engine in good mechanical condition and properly tuned you should expect an intake manifold vacuum at idle of 18-20 inches.
Posted on: 2017/2/13 9:02
Re: EE -16 Carb Stalling on acceleration
Just can't stay away
I see the streems is there any adjustment on the accel pump ?
Posted on: 2017/2/16 23:39
1939 - 120 ,4 dr / overdrive
Re: EE -16 Carb Stalling on acceleration
Just can't stay away
Thank you . At what rpm range does the centrifugal advance cut in ?. I've got the 600 RPM - 1200 RPM stumble and can't get rid of it .
Posted on: 2017/2/17 0:01
1939 - 120 ,4 dr / overdrive