Re: 1941 carb and vacuum advance question
Forum Ambassador
Look to see if the vacuum opening in the carburetor throat is above or below the throttle plate when at idle.
Check for vacuum at the carb fitting as the engine speed is increased above an idle when it should come into play.
Posted on: 2019/3/25 14:23
Re: 1941 carb and vacuum advance question
Home away from home
I dont know why I did not throttle up the engine. I tried it today and there is vacuum there with engine throttle up.So the vacuum hole must be on the top of the throttle plate. I guess I was thinking of 60s and 70s cars when you pull off the hose for the vacuum advance there is vacuum there even at an idle.I put a small hose on the vacuum advance with distributor cap off and i can see the breaker plate move and it holds vacuum. Also checked the mechanical advance it moves and returns as it should.
Posted on: 2019/3/26 15:40