Re: 1940 120 help
Forum Ambassador
No help on the wheel question but instead of grommets, if you mean the rubber boots which act as air and dirt seals for the brake and clutch pedal openings here is a photo from a later parts manual.
The same 1.301 (3.112) boots were used from the 120 intoduction until 56 so expect the installation is the same for all. You need to remove the single bolt and nut holding the pedal pads to the arm ends and lift them off. Then remove the screws holding the cover plate and slide it off. The seals slide down the arms to rest against small flat surfaces on the arms. It would be a good idea to use silicone spray lube or some liquid dish soap on both the arms and the boots so they will slide down the arm without damage. Once they are in position, reinstall the cover plate and pedal pads. When the arm is up the seals push against the cover plate and compress slightly forming a tight seal against the bottom of the cover plate.
Posted on: 2021/9/9 21:22
Re: 1940 120 help
Not too shy to talk
Thank you. That makes sense now. Got wheels all done and powder coated. New whitewalls mounted.
Attach file: POWDER WHEELS.jpg (74.51 KB) WHITEWALL MOUNTED.jpg (126.66 KB) FINISH POWDER.jpg (94.82 KB)
Posted on: 2021/9/28 20:04