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1932 903 Carrier Bearing Shim??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I am in the process of rebuilding my driveshaft and carrier bearing assembly for my 903 Phaeton and have come across a part that I am having trouble identifying.

This half-moon shim(?) was sandwiched between the carrier bearing support and the center frame crossmember on the car. It was installed on the bottom half of the bearing from the 3 o'clock position to the 9 o'clock position when looking from the back of the car forward.

The flat edge of the half-moon shim was not orientated to match up with either of the flat edges of the carrier bearing support.

Is this a factory part? Or possibly a factory part that was cut and modified?

Has anyone seen anything like this?

Thank you!


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Posted on: 2/6 8:32
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Re: 1932 903 Carrier Bearing Shim??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information
I might have figured something out.

The Service Parts Lists shows two different Intermediate Bearing Shims (thin and thick).

As you can see, the vulcanized rubber in my carrier bearing was in really rough shape when I removed it. But you can see that it had started to sag and the center support ring was slightly "tilted" in relation to the outer ring. It is a bit exaggerated in the photo because once I set it on the workbench, is shifted a bit more.

Anyways, I bet that someone in the past took a shim and modified it to compensate for the sagging and tilted center ring.

Attach file:

jpg  Carrer Bearing Shim Part Numbers.jpg (888.31 KB)
226283_67a7829ae6c6b.jpg 2004X1650 px

jpg  Carrier Bearing Offset.jpg (741.15 KB)
226283_67a782a2d3145.jpg 2100X1576 px

Posted on: 2/8 11:13
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