Crime committed
Home away from home
38 Super 8 Coupe, rare rare rare ... 2158?hash=item43ff504f8e:g:FBgAAOSw~AVYvDSo&vxp=mtr
Posted on: 2017/3/6 0:17
Re: Crime committed
Home away from home
at least it wasn't described as "restored with upgrades"
Posted on: 2017/3/6 9:18
Re: Crime committed
Forum Ambassador
Not so fast, friends. This car was an absolute disastermobile when dragged out of a wet barn about 4 years ago. Every piece of wood was wet and rotten, and what was left of the body was only being held together by the sting of tinworms holding each other's hands. Repeat, this was a disastermobile. Unrestorable. The owner provided the takeoff mechanical and trim items and made something out of the remains rather than crush it into a ball with one hand.
Relax. No crime was committed.
Posted on: 2017/3/6 10:38
Re: Crime committed
Home away from home
OK maybe no crime committed but still tasteless.
Posted on: 2017/3/6 11:32
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |
Re: Crime committed
Home away from home
Recalculating... a misdemeanor??
Posted on: 2017/3/6 12:04
Re: Crime committed
Forum Ambassador
plea bargain accepted. Misdemeanor.
..would have been much more accepted as a rehab/probation candidate as a resto-rod. Put that engine back in the jet boat it came out of...
Posted on: 2017/3/6 12:12
Re: Crime committed
Home away from home
The USS Enterprise is calling; she wants her propulsion back.
Posted on: 2017/3/6 12:27
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |