Re: 53 clipper generator
Forum Ambassador
You should use 0 or 00 ga on the 6v cables and on a 53 ground side is probably around 18-20" long -- from the battery post to the bolt on the block near the water pump or generator bracket. A too small of cable would cause poor or slow starting but doubt excess length is causing your poor charging. If the size is large enough a considerable length can be tolerated.
I am confused when you say you grounded the field and made it turn over by itself. With the engine running and generator hooked up, grounding the field should cause the generator to put out well over the battery voltage -- as high as 8v or maybe more. Enough higher that you don't want to leave it in that condition any longer than it takes to verify the voltage. Even if engine is not running grounding the field by itself should not cause the generator to "motor". If you are not seeing that increased voltage with the field grounded something is wrong with the generator or the ground. I would verify exactly what is being grounded and what happens. Make sure the field wire is continuous to the regulator with a good connection at both ends. There is a separate 16 ga ground wire between a case screw on the generator body to a ground screw or a mounting screw on the regulator. The wire is in two or three sections -- generator case to a bolt on the block or if only two sections, directly from the generator to one of the L fender headlight terminal strip mounting screws and then from the mounting screw to the regulator ground screw or mounting screw depending on regulator. That needs to be there to make sure the generator and regulator see exactly the same ground potential and nothing is lost going thru sheetmetal etc. Make sure all those connections are in good condition.
Posted on: 2015/7/23 21:11
Re: 53 clipper generator
Quite a regular
Yes i made it"motor" i unhooked the belt and left engine off
Posted on: 2015/7/24 10:10