Re: 50 vs.51 Fron Engine Mount
Forum Ambassador
You have to remove the mount plate and associated stuff off the front of the 50 engine and reuse it on the 51 block. It should all bolt. Not sure about the timing chain cover if that needs to change too but since it bolts to the plate probably. The vibration damper may also need to change since the groves might be in a slightly different location. Compare them to see where the differences are and if using the 51 cover or damper is possible. I believe most of the stuff on the front of the block has to swap.
The water pumps are different too. 50 pulley and pump is higher and sort of centered more on the block while the 51 pulley is lower and pump is moved toward the left side more because of the 51 lower hood and wider radiator..
Posted on: 2015/10/24 15:26