Wiring question
Quite a regular
I am rewiring my 1950 Packard. Have a question. Where is the direction signal switch plug located? What does it look like.
Posted on: 2013/8/12 21:49
Re: Wiring question
Quite a regular
Thanks; This information really helps. It is a 23rd series 1950 model.
Posted on: 2013/8/12 23:36
Re: Wiring question
Quite a regular
I have another question. If I want to check the tail lamp wire forward to the "direction signal switch plug" will a multimeter (ohm-meter) do the job for me. In other words will it identify the correct terminal on the direction signal switch plug? I would appreciate any information on how to accomplish this. Thanks;
Posted on: 2013/8/12 23:59
Re: Wiring question
Forum Ambassador
Yes, you could use a VOM to check/verify this wire, you would need a long piece of wire to complete the circuit from the back of the vehicle to the area under the instrument panel, most VOMs hove short leads. I made up a ringer to do this kind of work a long time ago, it is basically an old fashioned electro-mechanical doorbell & transformer, the vibrating coil type that rings continiously rather than the "ding-dong-Avon calling" type, and I have about 20' of wire coming out of my
ringer board with an alligator clip on each wire. This way I can check continuity of various wires without having to look at both the meter and the wires while testing (or searching!), the ring of the bell is my indicator, also the required impedence of the bell circuit rules out any false readings, there has to be a good enough connection to power the ringer.
Posted on: 2013/8/13 8:11
Re: Wiring question
Forum Ambassador
Don't believe Packard ever had a schematic showing the entire turn signal circuit in one place. Here is an extraction of the basic circuit for cars using the plug & might help in getting thru the switch. It is sort of generic as far as wire colors although Packard did tend to use the basic color family thruout the years.
Posted on: 2013/8/13 9:28
Re: Wiring question
Quite a regular
Thank you: Very good information. That is an excellent idea. I will do this. 1950 Packard
Posted on: 2013/8/13 11:26