Re: 49 Deluxe Ignition bypass backup
Forum Ambassador
Interesting that it starts when bypassing but not with regular wiring since the only major difference would be the battery connection into, thru the ammeter and then into, thru and out of the ign switch. Makes me think there must be a very dirty or bad ign switch and/or a bad connection somewhere in the connections or wiring loom and the voltage is dropping considerably at the connection when the starter is engaging.
To answer the question, you would not need a fuse and 10ga wire is a bit heavy. Stock size Packard used to the coil was 14ga. If you already have the 10ga then you can use it -- it just makes running it and attaching terminals a bit harder because of the increased size and stiffness. Personally, for the switch I would use a spring loaded normally off toggle switch so that you would need to hold the toggle against the spring to make the on connection. You might be able to purchase something locally and find a single pole single throw switch at Napa or they are on ebay and Amazon. I would get a switch capable of carrying at least 10 amps. The coil does not draw that much but a bit of safety margin is desirable. There may be a couple of holes already under the dash edge that would be suitable for mounting -- at least there was on earlier cars. Using a spring loaded switch you could not inadvertently leave the extra switch on so there would be no possibility the engine would not shut off when the ign switch was turned off should there be some kind of emergency. You could also use a pushbutton similar to the old school pushbutton starter switches but whatever switch you choose would need to have heavy terminals and room to accept the wire or terminals used with 10ga wire.
Posted on: 2019/9/30 10:31
Re: 49 Deluxe Ignition bypass backup
Home away from home
Thank you Howard! I think you're right about the issue there, there's a bad wire somewhere in those connections but at this point if I start pulling them apart I'm likely looking at a bigger project than I can handle this week. I highly suspect the wires going into the carb starter switch, the switch itself is clean and works well, but those wires are less than ideal. Either way the starter cranks well and car restarts often enough, but after a couple back to back hot restarts (like when you accidentally pull up to the wrong pump, then get anxious and stall ;) the spark isn't strong enough without the jump wire.
I'll plan to pickup a toggle from advance, I saw they have ones up to 30amps, and it sounds like those will be more than enough!
Posted on: 2019/9/30 11:10