Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
looks like a freeze plug to me. unless im seing something wrong, thats no big deal.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 12:40
Daily Driver:
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Forum Ambassador
Looks like core plug to me too. Check out this ... opic.php?post_id=1368#forumpost1368 and also somewhere in the middle of Carl's 52 300 blog for more ... c.php?post_id=19989#forumpost19989.
Just be sure to get the proper slightly not ordinary size which is mentioned in one of those threads when buying replacements. If one bad, others may be too so might be a good opportunity to change all of them. Also while out, do a thorough pressure cleaning to get all the junk and rust out of the water jacket.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 12:54
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Not too shy to talk
Thanks guys... Not as bad as I thought it might be then. It's not another problem I wanted to deal with but ultimately I do have a cooling issue to address down the line so this will be a step towards solving that problem and just piece of mind when I do get her back on the road some day. Now I'll just have to figure out what size plugs I'll need. Forgive me though. I'm still a bit green with engine work so I get a little freaked out when I see fluids pouring out of what seemed like a pretty solid piece of my engine. Now I know better.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 13:27
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
No biggie. I am replacing ALL the freeze plugs on my 352 now. They disentigrate from the inside out, so they can look great on the outside, but spring a leak at any time. I thought I'd save myself the trouble and do them all now. Also, a great time to flush the block, as that freeze plug had to disintigrate somewhere and I'm sure there are bits of it floating around the cooling system.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 13:33
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
I agree, replace them all. I always use brass freeze plugs with a thin coating of blue or black silicone on the back side of them. This helps the installation process as well as keeps them from corroding. Let them dry overnight before refilling with coolant though, to insure that all the silicone is dry and doesn't come off. Remember, use a THIN coating!!
Posted on: 2009/8/20 14:30
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
It can be a pain to change some of them but not impossible. It's actually a good thing because you can clean the 60 years worth of crud out of the block much easier and all the plugs would be new. Just make sure to seat the new ones at about the same depth as the old ones.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 16:30
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Not too shy to talk
All good advice that I will certainly take. I have one decision to wrestle with... there seems to be some debate over using brass or steel plugs. I've even read about a guy who puts two brass plugs in and one steel as a canary in the coal mine approach. I understand the brass as far as non corrosive but I don't like to hear stories about them unseating. Gentlemen present your arguments. You know, if this couldn't have been repaired I could have always filled it up with ice cold beer and used it as a novelty dispenser at parties!
Posted on: 2009/8/20 19:22
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
I have put brass freeze plugs in every engine I've ever messed with and have had ZERO problems with them seating and staying seated. Just put some RTV on it and it'll be fine.
Posted on: 2009/8/20 19:30
Re: I have a feeling something has gone horribly wrong
Home away from home
While he is putting in new freeze plugs should he also pull the water distribution tube like you did Eric.
John F. Shireman
Posted on: 2009/8/20 20:11