Re: 55/400 a/c
Forum Ambassador
Depends on which trunk unit. ARA appeared to place their compressors on the drivers side as did Packard but Mark IV appeared to use the passenger side. Have no photos of a Novi compressor in the car but do have a photo of one unmounted which looks like it would go on passenger side. Condensers were all in the same location in front of radiator but mounting brackets varied the location and height.
The temp control location also varied. Believe all used hot gas bypass in various forms. ARA usually placed their adjustable valve next to compressor as did some Novi installs. Another Novi install has it mounted on top of the condenser. Believe Mark IV had theirs on the fender but don't have any info if Mark IV temp was adjustable or fixed like Packards dash unit. Since dealers or independent contractors installed the aftermarket trunk units I imagine there was a lot of variations.
Posted on: 2016/6/5 15:31