There is no single repair or service manual for you 8th Series. The following are books that I have referred to over the years for this era:
The Owners handbook which is very useful and far more detailed than the same book for cars of today.
The Parts book (available on this site). Very useful mainly for illustrations of parts and assembly information.
The Packard shop and Service Manual, I have found it to be of very little use.
Reprints of the above are all available from Kanter.
Packard Service Technical Letters 7th -12th. This is a reprint of a collection of technical information or letters sent by Packard to its dealers, it contains an occasional useful piece of information along with a lot of irrelevant material. I don't know if the reprint is still available however most of this material is available on this site under "Packard Literature and Manuals.
Apart from the above literature a search on forums such as this one plus The Packard Club and AACA often yields excellent information.