Re: Packard 1936 senior 8 pinion oil seal
Forum Ambassador
I don't have a parts book for senior models of those years but if I am looking at the correct item on Max's site he lists the factory number as 186083.
There was a factory to seal# interchange list compiled at some time in history that is available on a Stude That interchange lists the seal as a Victor 49035, C/R 18785 or a National 450084. Plugging those numbers into the SKF interchange they come up as modern numbers 18817 or 18785. You might compare those dimensions to your seal and see if it looks like the correct item. If that was the wrong seal I have provided the links to the Stude list and SKF site so you can use the proper factory number and do a new search. One thing I have found with the modern seal conversions is there may be one or two dimensions slightly different. In most cases it doesn't seem to matter but on some seals it might. The depth seems to be the dimension with the greatest discrepancy. An example I ran across was the modern cross for a front spindle seal was much deeper than the factory item and would not entirely fit inside the recess in the hub. If the seal had been thinner than the factory item it would have worked well.
Posted on: 2017/6/24 11:10
Re: Packard 1936 senior 8 pinion oil seal
Just can't stay away
many thanks for taking time to look in to this for me the number doesn't seem be right 186083 the seal dimensions seems wrong i will o/d 78mm bore 46mm depth 14mm i managed to get the dimensions of the seal i found an old one this is what i measured cheers Dave
Posted on: 2017/6/24 15:19