In Memoriam: "Skip" Gibson
Home away from home
The Last Employee in the Packard Plant
Charles J. (Skip) Gibson, the last employee to shut the doors at the Packard Plant in 1956 passed away on July 13 - he was 92 years old. Gibson, who worked in Administrative Services, watched over the decades as the sprawling auto plant decayed into ruins, awaiting either a savior or date with a wrecking ball. A Memorial Service will be held Wednesday, August 2, at 3PM at Christ Church, 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. A reception will be held at the Church immediately following the Service. You may remember Skip from "The Last Shift" a documentary by Brian Kaufman describing the demise of the Packard Plant after the company left town. You can see Skip here at the 4:00 minute mark of this trailer for the Or you may have seen him at the "new" groundbreaking ceremony at the Packard Plant just this past May. May he rest in peace.
Posted on: 2017/7/20 18:37