1955-1956 Parts Single-Wire Alternator Setup SOLD
Home away from home
I’ve acquired a few 1955 and 1956 parts, mostly trim and emblems of driver quality but also some NOS including a 1955 glovebox and trunk lock set with key code and Packard-branded keys. The trunk lock will fit all 1953, 1954 and 1955 senior models while the glove box lock will fit 1955 and 1956 only. Where the two overlap is 1955 which is what the set fits.
Also, for those who like alternators in their Packards, I have a single wire setup for 1955-1956 (for 1955, it must have been converted to negative ground) that will bolt right in with no modifications needed. Simply remove the old generator and its bracket, mount the alternator’s bracket using the two original bolts, then place the alternator to the bracket, inserting its single mount bolt. Attach the belt, adjustment arm, and tighten with proper belt tensions. Disconnect the wires from the regulator (leave the BAT wire connected) and tape them and those from the generator aside as they are no longer needed. The single wire connects to the post on the alternator and is run along the upper radiator frame and over to the battery where it connect under the positive clamp’s nut. That’s it! No need to wait for me to make a visit to my Oregon shop as I have these parts here at home so can ship relatively quickly. Other parts coming soon include a 1955 front bumper in nice, straight condition (lower half needs to be replated) and a nice grille with parking lights. Lots of little things too. NOTE: if the links above give an Access Denied error, please try again. I am in the midst of a total reprogramming of the site which will fix this sort of thing but for now, I have to live with the annoyance!
Posted on: 1/13 13:59
Re: 1955-1956 Parts Single-Wire Alternator Setup SOLD
Home away from home
This item has been sold.
Posted on: 1/13 18:33