Re: Weird Things
Home away from home
I believe in old ways. Take the battery completely out. That way, in the subzero cold we have here, it won't freeze if it drains down, for whatever reason. Also, beyond anything fancy, you can leave it in and just disconnecting the positive (or, in the case of positive ground, the negative) terminal to prevent any shorts from draining it or burning the car down. Disconnecting the ground side, of course, could allow current to continue to run through if the loose cable touches anything that grounds it.
On the radio, I will check the hookup to make sure it's on the right terminal. Who knows, I could shake something loose and it'll start working. (After all, it's a ha'nted car.) But if it comes on and plays the opening line of "You're Mine" I'm a-gettin' out of there. I can see little difference whether you use an "unscrewit" type connector on the hot side with either a 6 or a 12 volt system. I'd like to get one of these as the car is going to sit outside during driving weather. I know, it's a pity, but I'm not made out of money for storage. Lately, I haven't seen any car dealers storing their cars inside either, so that makes me wonder what the big deal is-- except for hail. Thanks all. Hank, that's the way to really foil the theives, although it'd probably have worked to just disconnect the coil wire and put it in your pocket. Of course, they could've swapped out one of the plug wires and driven away on 7 cylinders. You just can't be too careful, can you?
Posted on: 2012/12/7 22:32
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