Re: Pressure Plate Install on '47 Super Clipper
Forum Ambassador
Bob, Some model years Auburn, Cord, Hupmobile, Reo, Studebaker,Lincoln ,Ford,, LaSalle, Oldsmobile and Piece-Arrow are some of the makes that used the Long clutch besides Packard. Reading a vintage car edition of the MOTOR manual I see a NOTE: re depressing the plate springs and placing tapered 1/4" wooden blocks under the release levers before assembling the disc and plate as a unit.This was tp prevent warping the cover flange. I suspect that the binding against the release fork was not an issue with some makes as I don't ever recall having to do that with an old '48 Ford and never owned a Pierce Arrow or a Cord but that was a long time ago and my memory is fading.
Posted on: 2009/6/14 8:16
Re: Pressure Plate Install on '47 Super Clipper
Home away from home
Does that mean that the through out bering has pressure on it all the time or do you still adjust the linkage for some free play?
Think I just answered my own question. Of course there should be free play. When bolting the pressure plate to the fly wheel I always just tightened the bolts a little at a time working back an forth from side to side. Thought this was good enough to keep from deforming the pressure plate.
Posted on: 2009/6/14 11:32
Re: Pressure Plate Install on '47 Super Clipper
Forum Ambassador
Bob, You did answer your own question as the problem with clearance is between the fork and the and pressure plate before it is bolted down. Once it is bolted down there is some preload on the springs and the blocking nuts come loose. I wrapped a bit of wire around each one so that when the palte was tightened they wouldn't fall down inside the plate. Proper procedure is to bolt the plate down slowly and alternate between bolts.
Posted on: 2009/6/14 12:51