Re: Rear Wheel bearing Endplay
Forum Ambassador
Barrie, we're really off-topic, but I did it, so be it. Last year in Bermuda I visited the Dockyard and its museum; part of the facility was a British prison on and off for a century or more, and many artifacts (letters, carvings, etc.) from the Boer War prisoners. Interesting place to visit but doesn't shed good light on what man can do to man.
Posted on: 2012/4/26 11:14
Re: Rear Wheel bearing Endplay
Home away from home
Hi Owen
Yes we are. Funny thing is that the Afrikaner loyalties was actually with the Germans initially in wwII because of the atrocities in the internment camps during the Boer War in the early 1900's. But, anyway, that is why rich Afrikaners only bought American as opposed to Rolls Royce! haha! Chev, Packard, Buick, Cadillac and etc were very popular here! Regards and best of times in US! Barrie
Posted on: 2012/4/26 11:25