Re: Still have fuel problems
Home away from home
I had a similar problem on an old Ford truck. Have you replaced or cleaned the fuel lines you would be surprised how much garbage can get stuck in there. I tried a test with a fuel can and some spare rubber fuel line. It went like this
Disconnect the fuel line into the pump and feed a length of hose into a fuel can and start the engine if the problem persists its fuel pump forward. If the problem goes away its behind the pump so tank sending unit or lines. If you still have the problem after that try filling the float bowl manually (its a bit messy) through the vent and start the car again the float bowl will hold enough fuel for a few minuets of idling time if it still doesn't run its something internal with the carb if you have access to some spare parts you can try this as well. rig up an electric fuel pump (the chepie Mr Gasket parts store ones would work well as they don't have a lot of pumping pressure) separate from the cars fuel system run a line from a fuel can to the pump and then to the carb fire up the pump and try and start the car. If the problem goes away its the factory fuel system if its still there all signals point to the carb. I know this is a bit involved but i had to do all this when figuring out the system on my Ford and it did work.
Posted on: 2013/5/8 2:47