Setting Timing on a Packard Six
Quite a regular
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Desire to check the timing on my '39 Packard Six. After finding no timing marks on the harmonic balancer, I discovered this thread - that mentions the existence of a peephole, in the vicinity of the underside of the starter, to view the timing marks that are on the flywheel. Having more specific information about where this peephole is would be very helpful. I have found images on the internet that show a magnified view of the peephole/timing marks, but not the surrounding geography. Any amplifying info would be most appreciated.
Posted on: 2024/9/19 17:44
Re: Setting Timing on a Packard Six
Not too shy to talk
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Using the timing marks on the flywheel requires a few progects. Firrst, remove the flywheel cover and wirebrush the surface rust off of the flywheel timing marks. Then paint the metal pointer white so you can see it and paint the degree mark at 6 degrees BTDC. Jack up the front of the car and place jack stands.Remove the left front tire and inner fender. you will now be able to see the timing port under the starter. It is impossible to get a timing light in place and see the marks at a proper angle if you are just leaner over the fender. Or you can do it by using a vacuum gauge. Connect your vacuum gauge at the intake manifold and loosen your distributor slightly,your car should be reading around 20" of murcury at proer idle. record your initial reading. turn the distributorVERY slightly in one diretion, if the reading improes continue in that direction, if the reading gets worse you are going in the wrong direction. Continue in the right direction using very slight movements with a few minutes in between moveswhen you get to your best performance the needle will start to shake slightly, back it back until the needle settles. that will be you best pezrformance. My 1940 6 cylinder number is 19 I did extensive work over the winter last year and was able to fake in timing marks on the dampener pully with an arrow attacchded to one leg of the front motor mount, I only use it for getting close and then get the gauge back out for finall tuning. You can use the same method for tuning your carb. idle needle vave.
Posted on: 2024/9/19 21:26
Re: Setting Timing on a Packard Six
Quite a regular
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Howard and Mr. D,
Thanks for the info, the picture of the engine showing the location of the peephole was quite amusing. A previous owner did install a pointer that leans over the harmonic balancer pulley, but there are no real timing marks, just what I first thought was a rock chip in the paint that seems to be in the vicinity of where a timing mark might be located. Guess I will use it as a reference until I install something better. Seems I read online about something called "timing tape" that can be installed on the outer surface of the balancer to use when setting the timing. Thanks as well for the tip on using a vacuum gauge to fine-tune the timing.
Posted on: 2024/9/20 18:50
Re: Setting Timing on a Packard Six
Not too shy to talk
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I did forget to add beware the distributor runs counter clockwise. After creplacing the water pump,water distrubution tube, Front motor mount rubbers,boiling out the Rad.and installing a new timing chain and gears along with other work, I have been driving my old 110 on some long cruises without fear or concerns off breakdowns or boil overs. Good luck with your car.
Posted on: 2024/9/23 22:03