Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
The governor spews some amount of fluid all the time so that is nothing to worry about. If there is fluid in that cavity it is probably because the level in the tranny is extra high, and that probably because the convertor had drained back into the tranny while sitting. Just let it run out, or run the engine for a few minutes before you start the job, or just jack up the back of the car significantly higher than the front.
Posted on: 2013/5/6 20:48
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
Thanks Ross, it is really nice to have expert advise when working on the Clipper. I will let it drain, only the passenger side of the car is jacked up. I hope the screws are easier to access than the bolts on the cover.
Posted on: 2013/5/6 21:57
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
With such a tight area to work in , will the governor pull completely out of the transmission after I get to cover off? I was thinking of cutting some of the floorboard out to access the cover and governor better from the top. So as to remove and install the bolts on the cover and to access the screws and remove the governor. Did you drop the transmission to do this job? The X frame really limits any access for me to comfortably do the job and I am concerned about the removal of the governor and especially reinstalling the governor and the cover properly.
Posted on: 2013/5/7 7:02
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
I have done this job in the car without cutting the floorboard many times. You are only removing the governor itself, not the drive which goes deep into the tranny. Though, if I recall even that drive can be removed and cleaned if the governor itself is removed first.
The whole job will go much better if you stop down at Sears and pick up a 1/4" drive socket wrench set if you don't have one. Maybe you can get one of the young and agile teenagers in your neighborhood to get the cover on and off. Small fingers are pretty well a must.
Posted on: 2013/5/7 9:53
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
I just did that and picked up a cheap 7/16 socket. Cut it off and can get to the last bolt now. Hope to take it out this day. Thanks.
Posted on: 2013/5/7 9:56
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
Let the fluid drain, it wasn't that much may 1/2 pint. Thought I had all the bolts out, but one more on the rear of the housing that looks harder than the top rear bolt. Will get to that Wednesday and approach it from the rear side of the housing. God only knows how many bolts I can get back in place.
Transmission fluid smells and looks very clean, just as the oil and pan looked. The motor and transmission appear to be as described by the owner as rebuild and driven less the 600 miles and stored. It was started and moved regularly for many years, but finally just parked. Brand new Cokers with 600 miles on them , rotted and cracked.
Posted on: 2013/5/7 19:44
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
I finally got the six bolts out of the cover and removed the governor. Held it with pliers so as to get the two hex head screws out. It looked clean and new , but I used the carb cleaner until no fluid was visible coming out of the governor. I see what you mean on the governor usually not failing, it is a very simple unit.
Before I reinstall a couple of questions. 1. Do you always put all 6 bolts back on the cover (:! I don't know if I can get all of them back in! 2. Is there anything else for me to check while the governor is out of the transmission? I will be installing Friday with hopes to drive it about 2 miles from my house to a car cruise Saturday evening. I know the Clipper isn't pretty yet, but I never see a Packard around St. Charles at a cruise or a show and I want the youngsters to know about Packard.
Posted on: 2013/5/9 18:04
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
Did you take the governor pistons and springs out and clean everything and make sure the pistons move effortlessly in their bores? Refer to the pictures Howard posted in your original post. Otherwise you may be disappointed. Yes, I always put all 6 screws back in, though it is a pain.
Posted on: 2013/5/9 20:50
Re: 54 Clipper Ultramatic
Home away from home
Removing the governor piston will require draining the transmission I would assume?
Posted on: 2013/5/10 5:41