Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Also looks like they may have fabricated some of the dual carb linkage or connections between the accelerator rod and the rod between the two carbs. That piece in the middle where one or both of the springs attaches looks different.
Posted on: 2015/3/4 21:12
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Yes, Howard, you are right. Mine is different, so it was probably made. And comming to analize it a bit I don't see the reason for the spring in that rod. I will take good look tomorrow, and also at the possibility of moving the one spring to where it should be.
In the meantime, these are the clamps I am referring to. I already know what the larger one is for... the heater hose on the front of the block... one looks like it was soldered to something and might have been the oil entrance tube in the transmission, I will take a look. but the other two small ones, the ones with rubber, any ideas where they are supposed to go?
Posted on: 2015/3/4 21:21
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
The one that looks like it was soldered went to the Ultramatic dipstick. Since your car does not have the Twin Ultramatic you won't need it.
Posted on: 2015/3/4 21:28
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Thanks! That leaves the doubt only to the two smaller ones!
Posted on: 2015/3/4 21:34
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
Have to think on the 2 remaining clamps. The soldered one has been identified, the bottom is clean and small so looks like it might be for a section of wiring but where is the question. The other one also looks small like it too might be for wiring but can't place where it would get that dirty or spattered unless it is under and part of TL harness. I'll look thru some photos and see if there are likely places to check unless someone else comes up with a ready answer.
On the rubber piece, Joel is packards1 who frequents this forum. You can PM him or email Mike Dulinski doesn't do much via email so phone is best. Here is his info. Attach file: (10.34 KB)
Posted on: 2015/3/4 21:42
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Did you ever look at how your wiring on the passenger side fender was routed? In front or behind the heater box? Could your clamps be used there?
Posted on: 2015/3/4 22:05
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Thanks for the contact information.
On the clamps... they were probably equally dirty/ugly, but I surely cleaned and galvanized one and forgot the other. I went carefully through all of my dismantling process pics and I just found one. It goes under the air tube entrance, close to the steering column. Not sure of what it would hold there but probably a windshield washer hose? The other one, no clue... The pic also shows I do have a spring lower in the accelerator mechanism. I will however look at installing one as pictured in the manual Howard posted and removing the ones I currently have.
Posted on: 2015/3/4 22:26
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Forum Ambassador
IIRC, there is a clamp on the left frame rail under the left vent tube for the short section of wire loom going to the brake light switch. Think it shares a bolt with something else. Could one of the clamps be needed in that area?
Posted on: 2015/3/4 23:22
Re: Engine Bay detailing on a '56 dual carb car
Home away from home
Sounds like a good option... I will take a look tomorrow!
Posted on: 2015/3/4 23:42