Re: Over Heating 101
Home away from home
? Restricted, undersized, or plugged exhaust - ( Check around bends especially around the over the axle portion)
? To thick of paint built up on radiator fins Strip and Repaint with a radiator specific paint a company like Eastwood carries. ? Portions of the radiator clogged creating hot and cold spots - (can easily be checked with an infrared temperature gun. They are fairly in expensive from a hardware type store) The temperature of the radiator should be consistent across the radiator but decreasing as you move down. Cool spots usually indicate a clog. If cool spots are found it is best to remove the radiator and have it boiled, back flushed, or rodded then flow tested. This can be done at a local radiator shop. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer Gun with Laser Sight - Grip handle and trigger for easy use-2-600x600.jpg"/></a> ? Improper radiator cap (psi) or wrong height causing pressure not to build -(See factory service manual for specific vehicle specification) ? Torn or ripped gasket on the radiator cap <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo KIMG0039.jpg"/></a>
Posted on: 2015/4/27 9:23
Re: Over Heating 101
Home away from home
? Vacuum leaks causing engine to run lean - (that can be checked with a vacuum gauge) Engine in good running condition will produce 18-22 inches of vacuum.
? Improperly routed exhaust to close to block or oil pan Internal items to look at: (Secondary once all of the above are ruled out) ? Leaky head gasket that allows exhaust gases into the water passages not allowing the coolant to cool - (A test kit can be purchased at a local Napa test for exhaust gases in the cooling system) <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo head_gasket_test2.jpg"/></a> ? Thermostat weak or failing to open and work properly - (Check thermostat on stove in a pot of water with an accurate thermometer) For best results use a pellet type for 1951 on Up <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo KIMG0022.jpg"/></a> ? Incorrect degree thermostat than stock - (refer to factory service manual) ? Water pump impeller is loose on the shaft or the impeller clearance to the body to great. -(Remove and inspect) ? Impeller blades heavily corroded thus reducing its ability to circulate water. -(Remove and inspect) ? Improperly installed distribution tube( 1935-up) or clogged or rotted water jacket side plate on 20-28 Six and 24 -39 Std 8 and Super 8 -(Remove and inspect) <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo KIMG0045.jpg"/></a>
Posted on: 2015/4/27 9:23
Re: Over Heating 101
Home away from home
The side plate water distribution type will in most cases suffer from the inner baffle completely rotting away. So when you remove the side plate there is nothing remaining and can sometimes be overlooked because you are unaware that a baffle is suppose to be in place.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo P6130070-vi_2.jpg"/></a> ? Scale build up within the engine block or cylinder head creating hot spots -( Remove freeze out plugs and or distribution tube and clean and flush engine block) <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo KIMG0026.jpg"/></a> James From Kanter Auto Products.
Posted on: 2015/4/27 9:24
Re: Over Heating 101
Just can't stay away
Excellent lesson!
Thank you, Mike
Posted on: 2015/4/27 10:18
Proudly using my real name for 67 years.