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Canadian and US packards the same ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have been wondering for a while "are Canadian Packards the same as US packards" ? or did the two countries have different models ? I have seen and have several Canadian model cars,Pontiacs especially are all together different from is a pic for example of a Canadian model....even my relitives in California laugh when I mention Mercury pickups

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Posted on: 2015/9/18 2:18
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Re: Canadian and US packards the same ?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Canadian Packards were the same models as there US counterparts. As far as I understand it, it had a lot to do with taxes. Canadian built packards could be exported to other British common wealth countries with paying a bunch of tax. I'm sure someone else here can (&probably will) give a better and more detailed explanation.

Posted on: 2015/9/18 6:39
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you

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Re: Canadian and US packards the same ?
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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We've chatted about this previously. The Canadian-built Packards were essentially the same as their US counterparts with the obvious exceptions, the patent plate, vehicle numbers (different sequential # starting point for Canadian-built) and the sourcing of non-US components. Cars from either plant could have metric instrumentation, depending on destination. This 1937 article from Canadian Auto Trader will give some insight into the differences in component sourcing.

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Posted on: 2015/9/18 7:59
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