Not too shy to talk
In order to accurately advise you, we need more information.
Merely telling us what YEAR your Packard is dosnt help us. During 1938 production, the Packard Motor Car Company produced vastly different products for different price ranges. The series of these cars were so different from each other (NO interchangeability of parts) that they may as well have been from different different manufacturers (the two exceptions were the fixtures for the dome lights and the door handles - which were the same thru-out 1938 production). So - we need to know which MODEL and which SERIES your particular car is. For example, is it a six cylinder, or an eight cyl. If it has 8 cyls., is it a "Packard Eight" or is it a Packard Super Eight? Or is it a Packard Twelve. Once we get the series established, then you will have a choice, depending on whether the original owner paid extra for "delux" equipment. For example, different types of fabric and trim were offered.
Posted on: 2017/1/15 11:50
Quite a regular
yes that would help. the car is a 1938 6 cylinder 1600 series opera coupe it came with tanned material, heater radio, front grill levelers that open. I am sure these items were all extras at the time. I was just hoping to get an idea of what the trunk and backseat bulkhead area looked like back then.
thanks and if anyone does have pictures you can send them to thanks for all your help JC
Posted on: 2017/1/19 15:04