Re: Amp meter will not work in car
Forum Ambassador
For the moment I would tape the wire and set it aside and see how the new regulator works in solving the original problem. The wire in question is a lead from the ign switch that when the key is on appears to bring in a relay coil arrangement doing something in the voltage regulation section of the old regulator.
Not sure what the purpose is unless it is some kind of method to ensure the regulator is disabled or make sure it is disconnected from the battery when ign is off. The only reference or description of the circuit I find in Motors Manual is that the old regulator was called a Delco two core and there is a note for a mechanic testing the system in a car saying that to disable the regulator for some of the tests you remove the wire. Since the new regulator does not rely on that particular function or method to regulate voltage I would see how it operates just connected like a modern regulator. See if everything works with only a field, armature and battery connection.
Posted on: 2017/3/16 20:41