The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Home away from home
We remember this day as if we have lost a loved one: ... etroit-built-packards-25-june-1956/ Attach file: (24.68 KB)
Posted on: 2017/6/25 15:20
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Forum Ambassador
The car pictured is owned by Todd Stennis. The car was previously my Grandfather's car. It's name was Dolly. I have many pictures of it in its original condition, pre restoration and pre dual antenna on the back. I have a video of it on my YouTube channel as well. My Grandfather is giving a tour of it in the video.
Posted on: 2017/6/25 15:30
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Forum Ambassador
Works for me. My Grandfather sold the car to John Stennis . When he died his son Todd Stennis had the car restored frame off. As far as I know he still has it and is located in Gulfport. The pink car behind it in the picture is a 400 owned by him as well.
The USS John C Stennis aircraft carrier is named after him.
Posted on: 2017/6/25 17:55
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Home away from home
Usually on the anniversary, the question of which is the legitimate last Packard arises on the Studebaker Driver's Club Forum. The following rather legalistic-sounding explanation was my response: On the question of which Packard is last: That depends upon how you define a car as "genuine" versus "an impostor"? If the vehicle has to come into existence primarily through design, engineering, tooling and marketing of a dedicated organization without major outside input, then 1956 would be the last "genuine" Packard. But, automobiles are a transportation device created by corporate entities organized for that purpose, profitably if possible, as the overall objective. Studebaker, no greater or lesser than Packard as a corporate entity, was organized and existed exactly for that purpose. Once the two corporations were legally bound together through merger, their purposes became one. Products of both divisions became the responsibility of each as well as the overall corporation to perpetuate, serving their respective market segments. This situation doesn't make a distinction where or under whose auscipes those resources are brought to bear to fulfill those purposes. As such, the 1958 Packard would be last "genuine" examples built under the corporate umbrella created by the merger. That it is constituted of no content originally developed under the prior separate corporation is the only reason for reservations whether it is a legitimate bearer of the title. It falls to the individual to decide whether one accepts that latter product warrants its status as the last Packard. Steve
Posted on: 2017/7/3 12:47
.....epigram time.....
Proud 1953 Clipper Deluxe owner. Thinking about my next Packard, want a Clipper Deluxe Eight, manual shift with overdrive. |
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Home away from home
To me Packard passed away in June 1956, what came out of South Bend were mere ghosts
Posted on: 2017/7/3 15:17
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Home away from home
Good Evening Fred...You are correct...after June of 56...Mere Ghosts! Ernie
Posted on: 2017/7/3 21:25
Caretaker of the 1949-288 Deluxe Touring Sedan
'Miss Prudence' and the 1931 Model A Ford Tudor 'Miss Princess' |
Re: The last Detroit-Built Packard: 25 June 1956
Home away from home
The Band plays on! The Pride of Warren since 1955.
Posted on: 2017/7/4 9:29