Re: 1940 356 9 bearing crankshaft verse 1941-50 356 9 bearing crank
Home away from home
In using a '47 356 in my '40, the rear end of the crankshaft needed the end either machined and added to. We're talking 1986, so memory issue, but either the end of the crank was beveled or needed to be beveled. As I recall, the '47 had a lightweight flywheel and an automatic transmission. The '40 is manual plus overdrive with a 40# flywheel.
Posted on: 2017/7/26 17:33
Re: 1940 356 9 bearing crankshaft verse 1941-50 356 9 bearing crank
Home away from home
The info was greatly appreciated. James
Posted on: 2017/7/27 8:29