Re: vacuum line
Forum Ambassador
Are you asking again about a '34 Eight/Super Eight?
If so, the hard line from the intake that passes behind the engine is the vacuum source for everything - it supplies the power brake slave cylinder, the Bijur oiler, the power brake control valve (small round unit near the Bijur), and the windshield wipers and all of this is on the driver's side. And all this is also connected to the vacuum booster pump. The power brake and Bijur connections should be pretty obvious, the windshield wiper line goes up the driver's side A pillar. If need be, I can probably take a few photographs. Other than the already discussed vacuum takeoff hard line at the intake manifold, the only other fitting/line on the passenger side that I can think of is the fitting at the rear end of the oil gallery that feeds the dashboard oil pressure gauge thru a small diameter nickel-plated line and then short rubber vibration isolating link on the cowl.
Posted on: 2018/4/7 12:59
Re: vacuum line
Home away from home
Yes a few pictures would be very helpful of all vac lines and oil lines. Yes this is a 1934 eight Thanks a lot
Posted on: 2018/4/12 7:25
Re: vacuum line
Forum Ambassador
Not much to the oil lines, out of the pressure relief valve to the bottom of the filter, and a return line from the rear of the oil cooler back to the pressure relief valve. Next time I have the car out in daylight with the camera I'll get you some pix of the vacuum lines.
Posted on: 2018/4/12 8:29
Re: vacuum line
Home away from home
Thank you very much my phone number is 6054999419 would very much like to have a conversation with you jk
Posted on: 2018/4/13 7:01