Re: Bell housing torque 56 ultra. Aluminum case
Home away from home
Ordinarily in times past I could simply go to my Packard service references pieces which I kept in abundance, including my own charts and notes from dealer service people at Earle C. Anthony, Frost & French and elsewhere. But all of that stuff that wasn't stolen from me years ago is packed away in my warehouse. I just don't have easy access to it, but I assure you my memories are still sharp on this stuff. I was tutored in the 1970s on rebuilding Ultramatics by two dealership people from the dealers I mentioned and by a fellow known as "The Packard Doctor" (D.S. McKnight) who once had a thriving Packard business in SoCal. I rebuilt two Ultramatics which (as far as I know) never had problems again. I'd love to just go take photos of this stuff, but it is all packed in hundreds of boxes in the back of my warehouse. So at present, that's all I can say.
Posted on: 2019/3/5 13:28