Packard Twelve Engine Block for Sale in Winnipeg, Canada
Quite a regular
There's a Packard Twelve engine block for sale at a very low price in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I tried to buy it as a spare for my Twelve restoration project but I can't find a reasonably-priced way to ship it to my place. So I thought I'd mention it here in the hopes that someone else can save it. ... 584?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
Posted on: 2019/5/2 12:08
Re: Packard Twelve Engine Block for Sale in Winnipeg, Canada
Quite a regular
Hi, and thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out. I vaguely know that Fastenal does shipping, although I didn't think of it. I'm also not sure if they do it in Canada, but that's easy enough to find out. I have a branch near me and Winnipeg is a big enough city I'm sure the seller will too.
Posted on: 2019/5/5 13:31