Re: Hit a snag. Wrong year floorboard
Home away from home
Why do all of my photos come up upside down?
Posted on: 2019/8/13 17:59
Re: Hit a snag. Wrong year floorboard
Home away from home
That no fault of this Web site and is typical of photos taken on mobile devices. If using an iPhone or iPad, to make them right side up, simply open the photo in your viewer, then click the little Edit link at the top. Once in Edit mode, rotate the photo sideways, then save. Repeat the process by orienting it properly, then save. If you're using an Android or other device, you'll have to research how to reorient the photos.
Having said that, it is easier to just make note of which direction you're holding the device when taking photos that come out upside down, then hold it the other way from then on!
Posted on: 2019/8/14 13:22