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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
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Best I can quickly find for the Clipper that shows the decal. Someone repro'd them a few yeats back but don't remember who and no idea if they are still available.

The Clipper engine illustration is a good example of artistic license. It shows the red Clipper 320 engine but has the senior Delco pinion shift starter and the large air cleaner.

Attach file:

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Posted on: 2022/7/18 16:31
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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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So after starting her up today I followed the manual and added more transmission fluid until full. After idling for awhile and being driven down the street and back I have a pretty good drips coming from the little home on the torque converter cover. From reading past threads I see this could be a failing front seal. Could this be the result of sitting since 1975 until 2 years ago? The drip stops pretty quickly after parking. Is this something I need to adress asap . I plan on doing what you did Howard, put a unused container under it after parking and just reuse the same fluid topping off as needed. I doubt the converter drain plugs are leaking, I snugged them up good after draining.

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Posted on: 2022/7/18 22:22

1955 Packard 400

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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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For that no big deal.


The exhaust pipes rt side flat goes on manifold.

Left side.

The bottom one goes up. On heat riser

A bitch to explain.

Posted on: 2022/7/18 23:04
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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Forum Ambassador
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If the front seal is what is leaking I would not hold my breath for it correcting itself. You might try one of the snake oil products that claim to soften and swell seals but if that does not work then change it soon as it will only get worse if not fail completely. If it is cracked and the crack suddenly opens it takes a fairly short amount of run time to lose a considerable amount of fluid.

Posted on: 2022/7/18 23:04
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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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R H wrote:

For that no big deal.


The exhaust pipes rt side flat goes on manifold.

Left side.

The bottom one goes up. On heat riser

A bitch to explain.

Hey Rick, I think I did it the right way unless I am misunderstanding you. I put the the flat side of exaust gaskets against manifold and the one that goes on heat riser flat side up against manifold as well. Right? Thanks for all the help!

Posted on: 2022/7/19 0:05

1955 Packard 400

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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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HH56 wrote: If it is cracked and the crack suddenly opens it takes a fairly short amount of run time to lose a considerable amount of fluid.

This is what I was worried about. That would be a bummer. Is there any way to tell what is leaking without full dissasembly? Thanks

Posted on: 2022/7/19 0:09

1955 Packard 400

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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Ok so after reading a TON about spark plugs I am still kinda lost which set of the plugs below would you get for a 55 400?

7/16" Reach.........AC43LS gap.035.

3/4" reach AC 45RXLS or 45XLS gap .035.

I could get the 45RXLS from O'reilly but I think the others I can get from Ebay.

Posted on: 2022/7/19 13:02

1955 Packard 400

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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Packardfan wrote:
This is what I was worried about. That would be a bummer. Is there any way to tell what is leaking without full dissasembly? Thanks

The seal and other likely spots is buried behind the converter so there is no direct visual. About all you can do is remove the lower bellhousing cover and feel around the trans side to see if any fluid or moisture is present. If the seal is leaking there should be a fluid trail or at least moist metal. Leaking from the pump shaft to converter gasket is possible too and that would also have moist metal. In any event a leak will need to be corrected and unless by some miracle it is a drain plug the trans will have to come out to access any other place.

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Posted on: 2022/7/19 13:26
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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Spark plug s

Autolite. 66.




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Posted on: 2022/7/19 16:53
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Re: Mike P 1955 400 Slow Resto Thread!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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R H wrote:
Spark plug s

Autolite. 66.

So I can use 3/4 reach on a 55 400? From all my reading I thought the 55's are 7/16 reach and 56's are 3/4 reach? I think I read so much about spark plugs I went full circle back around to not knowing crap!

Posted on: 2022/7/19 22:37

1955 Packard 400

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