Marketing is at it again. They've figured out from motor oil sales, if the container says "synthetic" they can sell it for more $$ and customers will opt for it. On one of the other brand sites guy asked about PAGs, he'd been "having luck" with "synthetic". ???All PAG is synthetic??? Favorite brand had it on the container and others did not yet. I don't know how one would tell closed inside an A/C system without tearing apart and measuring wear profile over time, but what DIYer's going to do that? We used to do that for testing/developing refrigerant packages. We had a test stand we loaned to customers. Today, I needed some fresh brake fluid for a new hub/caliper. I had a qt, but didn't want to open for a small amount as it goes bad. I go down the street to the nearest parts store, it's all alike, and all their brake fluid containers are now marked "synthetic. Same old DOT 3 or 4 (or 5) that's been around since wet/juice brakes is now suddenly "synthetic". Gimme a break! It's always been made that way. It's controlled by the govt - DOT stands for Dept Of Transportation - no distinction. I made catalysts and ligands for those type reactions. Price was way up. 3/4 pt for more than price of a quart pre-covid. Last two days, I've been tracking down stain to finish spraying my fence. I've bought this stain for 12 years now at Big Box A but no longer carries since covid. They could not match with their brands - 3 strikes. I had to go to manufacturer to find how to get some at Big Box B that carries. I have a background in paint manufacture and know this manufacturer well as former large customer. Color was obsoleted but still on the computer but hostile clerk couldn't find it so she assumed I didn't know what I talking about. I finally got it. Every classic DIY owner posts sooner or later the question "where do I get the original paint for my >50 year old car?" cf;I had a hard time finding stain I bought two years ago? It's all in the mind and they're playing suggestive mind games for $$ advantage in this oppressive time. Not your fathers economy, not even ours... Caveat Emptor - since Roman times. We used to equate synthetic with "phoney" back in the day. Now it's heaven sent but pricey.
NATURE'S BEST! Fully synthetic, plant-based, all-natural, gluten-free! Contains 0% sugar, 0% MSG, contains less than 2% of the following: Mucus, goat grizzle, ragweed stems and pieces, belly button lint, assorted free range insect parts, and partially defatted beef fatty tissue. Salt free! Processed in a facility that is lousy with peanuts and cotton boll weevils.