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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Dave Kenney
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As a Canadian I could have chosen some very excellent generals as well such as General Sir Arthur Currie, commander of the Canadian Corps during the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917, but objectively I would have to say that Manstein and Rommel were the best generals of WW2. The outcome of that war could likely had been very different had they been allowed to run the armies and not Hitler. A tank battle between Patton's Shermans(without air superiority) and Manstein's Panthers and Tigers would have been something the free world should be glad never happened (something like a Chevrolet vs.a Packard battle). The recapture of Karkov by Manstein was a masterpiece and that's why I gave him my vote. We all should be very thankful Hitler canned him and Rommel.

Posted on: 2009/11/12 13:01
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Can we have the Nazi Generals taken off the American Veterans Day thread please????

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Posted on: 2009/11/12 17:56
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Eric Boyle
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Don, whattya expect from a Canadian and Shireman of all people?

Posted on: 2009/11/12 18:08
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Gentlemen, do you know what Veteran's Day is all about? If you ARE a vet, by all means toot your horn. Otherwise, post your nazi pics somewhere else. TOTALY INAPPROPRIATE. This day, in this country, is celebrated for living AMERICAN veterans, not dead German ones, thanks.

Posted on: 2009/11/12 18:42
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Scottie: I know what Veterans Day is. You or Eric may doubt that I am a Veteran I will gladly post a copy of my DD214.
I served in the Navy and most of that time was spent in a war zone Vietnam. I was there from August 1969 till August 1970. My serial number was B40-70-90.

John F. Shireman

Posted on: 2009/11/12 19:25
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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My late father John Robert Shireman went overseas after the Battle of the Bulge. In that short time until the surrender of Germany in early 1945 my father served in the 3rd Army with the 70th Tank Battalion as a driver of more than a couple of Sherman tanks. During this short time my father received TWO PURPLE HEARTS because he had two tank blow up he driving that went up against German Armor Tanks such as the Tiger. The second time he was wounded the Germans came up and shot every member of the tank he was driving. He was dam near killed and he was the only one to live to tell about it.

After WWII ended in Germany my father help guard the main communications switch board when the Nuremberg Trials took place. He got to see all the NAZI goons be tried in person like Goring, Hess, and others.

If he were living today he would tell you that Erwin Rommel was a better General than what Patton ever was. Sorry Eric and Scottie my father was there first hand and lived to tell me that Rommel was the best.

Now it is time for me to move onto soemthing different as this is now brining up some bad memories for me

John F. Shireman

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Posted on: 2009/11/12 20:04
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Dave Kenney
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scottie wrote:
Gentlemen, do you know what Veteran's Day is all about? If you ARE a vet, by all means toot your horn. Otherwise, post your nazi pics somewhere else. TOTALY INAPPROPRIATE. This day, in this country, is celebrated for living AMERICAN veterans, not dead German ones, thanks.

Scottie, With all due respect I am fully aware of what November 11 (Veterans Day, Armistice day and Remembrance day) is all about.
On the 11 day of the 11th month 1918 an Armistice was signed to end the Great War of 1914-1918.
My grandfather Sgt. C.E. Kenney was in a veterans hospital in England at that moment suffering from the effects of shell shock after being in the trenches since May of 1915. This day I remember him and all of his 60000 fallen comrades of the Canadian Expeditionary Force died during that conflict and those who have died since in the wars to defend this country and to honour those still living. Thank you.

Excuse me for not being aware that General George Patton (also dead by the way) was "the greatest general since Alexander the Great" despite my unbiased objective reading of the intervening 2000+ years of world history which has led me to a contrary opinion. I am sorry if I do not feel that only the USA had good generals in World War 2 and we should rewrite history to show that General Patton single handedly could have won WW2 two years early if he had been allowed to. I wish my father, who served in motor torpedo boats from 1942-45, my uncle who fought the Nazis in the Canadian Army from 1944-1945 through Normandy to Holland and especially my wifes parents, who daily risked certain death to hide Jewish children and aided the Dutch Resistance from 1940-1945 were alive to hear this news. They would have be dismayed to know that the war could have ended in May 1943 had this one man been "turned loose".
I guess all that fighting and dying between 1939 and 1942 until Patton arrived in Europe was not necessary.

Finally I hope you will pardon me if I am mistaken in believing that this is not an exclusively American website and that those of us from other countries have a right to make comments.
P.S. Photo of Field Marshall Erich von Manstein removed as per requests. To be American History "politically correct" my new choice is posted also.

Posted on: 2009/11/12 20:55
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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To all concerned, I am fully aware that this is an international site and I'm glad it is. Being somewhat of an amatuer historian, I'm also aware that the US doesn't have a monopoly on effective leaders. My point was not to offend. If you are a vet from a different country, you should be damn proud of your service as well. Servicemen and women don't make war, politicians do. We just do the dirty work. Thanks.

Posted on: 2009/11/13 13:07
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Person Military records & Multi-national politics aside, Posting pictures and military accomplishments of Nazi on a thread originated for honoring AMERICAN VETERANS ON AMERICAN VETERANS DAY is wrong.

Notice the title of this thread:

Happy Veterans Day

Squabbling over who was the greatest military general ever to walk the earth should be taken elsewhere, maybe to a military blog.

Having to stare at a couple of Nazi generals in a thread honoring the living veterans who have had to fight these rotten murdering Holocaust bastards is dishonorable to them, and to decency.

While the Veterans of America have fought for your right to post these pictures of Nazi Generals, this is a privately owned site. If you do not voluntarily pull them out of respect for the veterans I am going to request that the Webmaster do so.

There is a reason there is no Veterans Day for Nazi Soldiers.

This is the last I will comment on this subject.

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Posted on: 2009/11/13 14:08
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Re: Happy Veterans Day
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Eric Boyle
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I don't think it would take too much guessing to know what WWII vets think think of German generals and their leaders:

Posted on: 2009/11/13 15:47
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