Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Home away from home
Studs and Nuts v Cap Screws (Bolts)
I have been under the impression, that when done properly, tightening nuts on studs does not necessarily tighten the stud into the block at the same amount as the nut is tightened (the procedure pulls up on the stud); however, using cap screws to fasten the head to the block means that the cap screw is tightened into the block by the torque amount with more chance of damaging the threads in the block. Hence, studs and nuts are a better way to fasten cylinder heads onto engine blocks, albeit a more expensive method. (o {} o)
Posted on: 2009/12/24 14:24
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Forum Ambassador
JW, you are correct. GE tightens the studs on a diesel train powerplant by spinning the nuts onto the studs hand tight. Then they have a machine with sleeves that screw onto the studs. The engine is bolted down to a stand and cannot move. Then they apply a certain amount of tension to the studs. And they finish by spinning down the nuts hand tight. When they release the tension on the studs they have the proper amount of torque.
And the statement about women is not sexist - just plain fact.
Posted on: 2009/12/24 14:37
Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Home away from home
And the statement about women is not sexist - just plain fact. Depends on what woman you're talking about. This one could probably bench press the whole car! AND, beat your a$$ for saying that while holding the car up in the air!
Posted on: 2009/12/24 14:57
Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Home away from home
Not sure what an iron Packard head weighs but it must be at least 50 pounds.
It's not so much the weight as the awkwardness of going in over the fender to the limit of your reach, then trying to lift a heavy object straight up over the studs without binding. Happens I am 6'3 and weigh 285 but I wouldn't try it.
Posted on: 2009/12/24 22:28
Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Home away from home
Well, I'm 6'2" 230lbs and have done it one several occasions, from a '48 Packard to a '53 Packard, over the fender, no problem. The trick is to get it up high enough with wood blocks that the studs are no longer a problem. I do it with 4 2" tall wood wedges, driving them in a little at a time all the way around.
Posted on: 2009/12/24 22:40
Re: '51 200 Straight 8 Head Removal
Home away from home
Using the c-clamps, I actually stood over the engine, lifted the head, then rotated it and set it down on the studs near the front of the engine. Because the radiator had been removed, it was then easy to grab and move to my bench. I would say a standard eight (320) head weighs around 35 lbs. If you can get close to the front of the engine, any reasonably fit individual should be able to perform the task.
Posted on: 2009/12/24 22:43