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350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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I donated over 350 original cards to the proving grounds but I scanned them first. They have the part number, name, year and model application. If anyone would like a copy pm me your email address. I will send them using a file sharing program called dropbox.

You will get an email from dropbox.com inviting you to view the Folder that I have established.

You will follow the instructions in the e-mail and it will take you to dropbox.com where you will sign up the service. You will establish your own personal password. You would only need to do this once.

After you have signed in, the upholstery scans will be in the folder. You would have to right click on the icon and choose "copy" from the drop down menu. Then go to your own document folders and right click and choose "paste" from the drop down menu.

Attach file:

jpg  (149.94 KB)
1052_4d4580e1d1a43.jpg 1216X832 px

jpg  (212.88 KB)
1052_4d458103d6e7b.jpg 1264X832 px

jpg  (204.44 KB)
1052_4d45813f413b1.jpg 1264X832 px

Posted on: 2011/1/30 10:18
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
Home away from home
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Why do I have to "join" yet another obscure website, complete with sign and countersign that I can't remember, to access these files?

Why not do the right thing and post them here, make them readily available to all, and eliminate the unnecessary extra effort and annoyance?

Posted on: 2011/1/30 13:00
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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Don Skotty
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While this would be a logical and helpful repository, "do the right thing" seems a little harsh.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 13:28
Don Skotty
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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While this would be a logical and helpful repository, "do the right thing" seems a little harsh.

How would you say it? The idea is that this is something many could benefit from--so why not put these scans where they are most useful and accessible, which would seem to be here.

In two weeks this post will be forgotten, as will the special instructions/procedure. Place on this site, the scans will be properly cataloged and accessible for the visible future.

Ergo, placing them here is very much doing the right thing.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 13:37
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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Well Patgreen, sounds like you want to volunteer for the job.

Sign up for the DropBox site, download it, and YOU can bring it to PackardInfo.

If it is that important to you, than you should have no problem sacrificing the time and energy. Right???

Oh, thank you 56Executive for donating the swatches to the Packard Proving Grounds. That was awesome, and I am sure greatly appreciated. Preservation of these is great, and the donation of them shows your thoughtfulness to Packard enthusiasts for generations to come.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 14:01
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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I sent the file to the webmaster 2 days ago. Did not hear anything from him and do not know how to put the whole file (108MB) up so did the next best thing. If it is to much to ask of you don't do it. I'll keep what information I have to myself

Posted on: 2011/1/30 15:12
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
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Joel Ray
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No good deed goes unpunished. Thank you very much for saving these samples, donating them to the Packard Proving Grounds and making them available to anyone who has an interest. It really hurts to see people criticize your efforts because it doesn't seem to meet their needs and ideas of how things must be done. In reality that person does not have to "join any obscure website", they can forget they ever saw this and they are not inconvienced at all.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 15:32
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
Home away from home
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Stephen Houseknecht
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56 Executive,

Pretty amazing stuff you have here. What is the story behind how you came acquire these swatches? I would love to hear it if this isn't going off thread.

If I understand things correctly the webmaster is at the Packards International conference this weekend. Please give him another try in a couple of days. Not like Big Kev not to be on top of things, especially something this significant for the intent of this website.

Thanks for giving it the ol' college try.


Posted on: 2011/1/30 15:43
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
Home away from home
Home away from home

Stephen Houseknecht
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Thanks for putting that up. Another part of my family had a Studebaker dealership in Batavia, NY for many years. They also had the NYS Thruway towing franchise for the Batavia section of the Thruway.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 17:09
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Re: 350+ scans of original upholstery-carpet-top cards
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Another thanks for making the swatches available. Am sure Kev will catch up in a short while.

Posted on: 2011/1/30 17:10
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