Re: Some people's children....
Forum Ambassador
A Cooter's shade tree special straight from Hazzard county. Seen them before and unfortunately, we'll see them again.
Posted on: 2011/4/27 21:53
Re: Some people's children....
Home away from home
A few years back, I had a little gal that I worked with come up to me and ask me if I could take a look at her car (It was a '76 Ford T-Bird). She said that every time she turned on the blower fan, the smell was so horrible that she couldn't stand it. Got under the hood and started laughing. Of course, she got a bit angry... I asked her, "Were you having some problems with your A/C?" "Yes" she replied, "How did you know?" Well, some idiot had figured out that there was a leak in one of the lines, so he "repaired" it with about four tubes of super glue! (The top of the compressor was filled with the stuff). I had to tell her that, barring replacement of the entire system, it would always give off that nasty chemical smell. Needless to say, she had a different vehicle within about a month. Aren't dummies just grand?
Posted on: 2011/4/27 22:31