Hi all, Mal's correct. I've been right through the sheds and workshop helping Dick locate parts that we were after and he certainly has a heap of the stuff, much of it needing identification to the untrained eye. Clearly Dick knew basically what he had but I don't think he had any numbering/listing system that I could see, but he had a pretty good idea of what he had in storage and what it was probably worth.
Chuck, we haven't met so it's a little impertinent of me in Australia to be handing out advice. However, I think Dick had the right idea in cleaning and preparing parts for sale and running them on ebay. He was always very careful to describe them accurately and completely honest in his dealings with potential buyers. He had said on more than one occasion that he had someone (I don't know who) that was going to take the body and trim work of his hands as a bulk lot so he could concentrate on parts more easily handled. Is there someone nearby that can help you with this really big task?
Also, you are probably aware of this but Dick had a '50's model at a panel shop on a nearby property for body and paint work. We actually delivered some guards for it while we were over there. Nancy would do doubt know the man's name if you need it. If I can be of any help over here just let me know. Kind regards, John
Thank you John we are trying to sort things out and thank you all for the kind words, like you said we have a lot of parts to deal with! but that was my Dad if it was Packard he wanted it. Chuck