Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Odd duck? | Dave Brownell | 2015/11/1 18:54 | 5 | 1865 | 2015/11/2 8:49 by Owen_Dyneto |
33-34 bonnet door rivers [1][2][3] | Dell | 2015/10/2 8:36 | 22 | 9649 | 2015/11/1 11:21 by Dell |
9-main bearing inline eights [1][2] | JariV | 2015/10/29 3:17 | 10 | 6359 | 2015/10/29 18:42 by 58L8134 |
Interesting '34 photo | Packardbarry | 2015/10/29 14:13 | 1 | 1557 | 2015/10/29 14:36 by BDC |
Removing valve rockers | scott12180 | 2015/10/23 13:24 | 2 | 1477 | 2015/10/29 13:50 by Motiv8 |
Super 8 engine differences, 1930's | scott12180 | 2015/9/6 17:27 | 5 | 3844 | 2015/10/28 15:16 by Tim Cole |
1930. 733 Intake/Exhaust Manifold | Eugene Wescott | 2015/10/22 15:32 | 8 | 3524 | 2015/10/28 14:30 by Tim Cole |
39 120 hood trim | Lowell Fast | 2015/8/10 23:31 | 6 | 3573 | 2015/10/27 22:45 by Bob Supina |
733 coil | Pckrd320 | 2015/10/23 1:08 | 4 | 2632 | 2015/10/27 21:25 by Pckrd320 |
Hot restart on 37 6 | CORSASEVEN | 2015/10/23 20:07 | 8 | 2331 | 2015/10/26 11:47 by JWL |
odometer issue - 1937 Packard 115C sedan | Jake Powel | 2014/3/30 18:18 | 8 | 3421 | 2015/10/25 13:45 by Jake Powel |
Door handle chrome | JohnCobb | 2015/10/25 13:06 | 0 | 1265 | 2015/10/25 13:06 by JohnCobb |
engine balance [1][2][3][4] | Dave Munger | 2013/3/23 17:10 | 34 | 13505 | 2015/10/25 8:04 by PackardV8 |
Found! Body number plate. When mfg? | rrhorton | 2015/10/24 19:18 | 1 | 1449 | 2015/10/24 21:06 by 28Pack526 |
Packard engine coolant [1][2][3] | Phillip Weeks | 2015/2/5 7:08 | 22 | 12706 | 2015/10/23 3:20 by Ozstatman |
Timing a 1937 Packard 6 | CORSASEVEN | 2015/10/21 12:38 | 3 | 2545 | 2015/10/21 15:56 by JWL |
385 Head torque | emrock32 | 2015/10/20 15:38 | 5 | 2419 | 2015/10/21 11:29 by emrock32 |
Clutch Chatter | scott12180 | 2015/10/20 10:31 | 5 | 2861 | 2015/10/20 18:00 by JWL |
Hubcaps too old for cloissone | rrhorton | 2015/10/19 17:14 | 2 | 1750 | 2015/10/19 18:34 by Ozstatman |
Sunday Drive | JWL | 2015/10/19 11:09 | 1 | 1892 | 2015/10/19 15:09 by Dave Kenney |
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