Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
54 Finally roadworthy | bozonono | 2011/12/23 13:13 | 2 | 1013 | 2011/12/23 13:58 by HH56 |
Truck light for Series 23. | Fred Puhn | 2011/12/21 15:13 | 3 | 1382 | 2011/12/22 9:09 by JD in KC |
Ultramatic - 1950 Transmission Fluid [1][2][3][4] | otgdy | 2011/12/7 9:56 | 33 | 11192 | 2011/12/20 21:32 by BH |
'51 Delco-Remy Starter Rebuild [1][2] | Jim L. in OR | 2011/12/7 20:37 | 16 | 6682 | 2011/12/20 19:24 by Aaron Wood |
rattley hydrolic valves | steve-52/200 | 2011/12/19 20:28 | 4 | 1455 | 2011/12/19 21:43 by PackardV8 |
mystery noise | steve-52/200 | 2011/12/19 20:52 | 0 | 790 | 2011/12/19 20:52 by steve-52/200 |
Horn Relay for 23rd Series | Fred Puhn | 2011/12/19 10:55 | 4 | 1314 | 2011/12/19 15:46 by Fred Puhn |
Packard Compass [1][2] | Joel Ray | 2007/7/5 20:53 | 14 | 8178 | 2011/12/19 7:27 by Phil Randolph |
Interior air vent flange or grill? | Jeremy | 2011/12/16 21:04 | 5 | 1958 | 2011/12/17 14:42 by HH56 |
halogen headlights [1][2] | David Grubbs | 2011/11/30 21:18 | 14 | 4928 | 2011/12/17 13:29 by Owen_Dyneto |
Cross Shaft/Selector Shaft Seal | Gary | 2011/12/12 12:37 | 6 | 1941 | 2011/12/16 17:04 by steve-52/200 |
Ah, yes... Trim code 35 | JD in KC | 2011/12/16 10:54 | 7 | 2808 | 2011/12/16 15:33 by BigKev |
1947 Clipper 6 cyl manifold paint questions | Dave Blandford | 2011/12/8 10:35 | 5 | 2048 | 2011/12/12 0:59 by Ozstatman |
maximum wear for 356 valve stems? [1][2][3] | 9 mains | 2011/12/2 16:54 | 28 | 6710 | 2011/12/11 21:03 by Owen_Dyneto |
1951 Fresh Air Ducts NEEDED | Aaron Wood | 2011/12/2 16:43 | 8 | 3014 | 2011/12/11 13:52 by BigKev |
Voltage Regulator replacement | Steve | 2011/12/9 14:33 | 8 | 2838 | 2011/12/10 16:25 by Steve |
heater valve core repairs | David Grubbs | 2011/12/8 18:04 | 3 | 1427 | 2011/12/8 22:26 by Owen_Dyneto |
Mounting Autoloite Generator [1][2] | Rob | 2011/12/3 14:36 | 11 | 5227 | 2011/12/7 10:17 by David Grubbs |
Storing a car for the winter | jsa03781 | 2011/12/7 8:39 | 2 | 1169 | 2011/12/7 9:39 by Owen_Dyneto |
Paint on Ultramatic [1][2][3] | Bobs51 | 2011/11/3 12:07 | 25 | 6412 | 2011/12/6 18:08 by James Russell Packard III |
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