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'32 Spark Plug Cab;le Tube Assembly
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Not too shy to talk

My '32 Light Eight is missing the assembly that houses the spark plug wires on top of the engine, also called the "motor ignition high tension cable tube assembly". I purchased a replacement, but found that the mounting tabs are in the wrong location for this engine. The tabs should be 19" apart. On the unit I found, they are 21 1/2" apart, with an overall length of 27" and height of 2" (not including tabs). Could this be to a Super 8?

Does someone have a proper assembly available? If not, is this a correct unit if I relocate the tabs to the proper locations (I would need to know the measurement from each end to the center of each tab)?

Posted on: 2014/7/28 22:12

'32 Oil Gauge Gaskets
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Not too shy to talk

When cleaning out the oil pan on my '32 Light Eight, I was unable to find replacement gaskets for the oil gauge on the side of the oil pan. I worked with Sandy Olsen at Olsen Gaskets (360-871-1207) to have them make a replacemt set from my aged originals. This consists of 4 gaskets: the oil gauge body cover inner and outer gaskets and the oil gauge glass upper and lower gaskets. So these should now be available if they were not before.

Posted on: 2014/7/28 21:00

32 900 Tail Pipe Bracket
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Not too shy to talk

The tail pipe on my '32 900 Sedan was just held up by an "L" bracket set on top of the frame. Can anyone provide a description or photo of the proper bracket and where it attaches? There is no apparent connection point other than the body bolt thru the frame.

Posted on: 2014/3/5 23:36

32 Oil Pan
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Not too shy to talk

For my '32 900 Standard 8, I dropped the oil pan to clean out any sludge (knowing that has not been done for more than 10 years). There was a reasonable amount, so it will be good to have that done. After removing hardware, it took loosening the trans and about 3 hours of gentle prying, but it came off unscathed! This is a great running engine, with good oil pressure, but a few questions:
(1) I assume it is best to remove and clean the oil manifold (distribution line), even though it should be clear and I hesitate to disturb it?
(2) I'll inspect everything at the bottom end, including the oil pump, is there any other recommended operation before I close it up?
(3) Does anyone make a "rebuild kit" for the oil level gauge (gaskets, float)?
(4) I plan to use "yellow grease" for gaskets (that's what the old guys used, easy to remove later) unless there is a better recommendation.
(5) I've been advised to use Shell Rotella 15W-40, unless others have a better recommendation.
(6) Manual says 8 quarts, is that with or without filter? Don't want to assume float level is accurate.
(7) Critical question: Is there any need or process for priming the oil pump, especially if I clean the oil manifold? I don't see how you would prime this internal pump, but have had to do that on others where it is basically external. Just want to make sure!
Any other advice from others that have done this is appreciated. Most is basic, but I want to verify everything!

Posted on: 2014/3/5 23:24

Re: 32 900 Hinge Pin Removal
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Not too shy to talk

Thank you all for the info.
1) The info from Dave was very helpful, even though it was for the '33-34. I had been asked for the thread diameter of the pin, and his input helped me understand why I was being asked that question. It told me the '32 is different, in hinge pin form, hinge makeup, and number of hinges (the '32 has 3). This helped me communicate better with the mirror maker, to explain he needs a different measurement (pin diameter and length). Dave had already shared this with me in separate communication, and provided it to inform others as well (any info is always appreciated).
2) The info on the original Packard tool informed me how the dealers originally installed the accessory mirrors. The tool is obvously not available, but it was stil helpful info.
3) The info on the new tool from Eastwood was helpful. Unfortunately they are out of stock, and I have not found a replacement. I'll keep trying, or remove the hinge and use a vise (not my preferred method).
So all info is helpful to us car nuts. Thank you all for your time and effort to respond, it all helped me understand my specific application better. Sorry if this caused any ruffled feathers.

Posted on: 2012/7/25 0:42

32 900 Hinge Pin Removal
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Not too shy to talk

HELP! Does anyone know how to remove the hinge pin from the upper hinge on the front door of the 32 900 Light 8 Sedan? I want to install accessory door hinge mirrors and need to remove the pins. They are rounded at the top, flush with the hinge at the bottom. I tried tapping from the bottom, but don't want to hurt anything. Are they threaded, or pressed in? Any help is appreciated.,

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Posted on: 2012/7/16 20:21

Re: '32 900 Sedan Wiper Motors
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Not too shy to talk

PERFECT! Thanks, needed to confirm before I purchase a N.O.S. replacement. Does the Trico catalog also provide the correct replacement wiper blade number?

Posted on: 2011/12/23 0:16

'32 900 Sedan Wiper Motors
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Not too shy to talk

Can someone confirm that the correct Trico wiper motors for the 32 Model 900 (light Eight) sedan are KSB-222 and KSB-223?

Posted on: 2011/12/22 23:49

30's Radiator Replacement
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Not too shy to talk

I have a 900 Sedan, all original except radiator replaced with modern core. I have no overheating issues. I located a good original honeycomb radiator that would add to originality, is there any reason not to refurbish the honeycomb unit and install it (I.e., would I be more likely to overheat)?

Posted on: 2011/11/30 21:40

Choke & Throttle Cable Repair
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Does anyone know who I can have repair the choke & throttle cables for my '32 Light 8? I am not looking for restoration, just replacement of the center cable on the throttle (broken), and connect the shaft (end split) to the housing on the choke.

Posted on: 2011/6/28 21:35

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