Re: 115C continental kits to make '120'
Forum Ambassador
Continental Enterprises indeed reproduces sidemount kits (and parts) for 36-37 120's. I know this because my Dad supplied the patterns and somehow convinced the owner, Sam Bronstein to take on this project. My 36-120 Coupe was the testbed for the project. If you call Sam, please mention my name. That said, I know of at least 3 sidemounted 115's that exist, but they are NOT NOT NOT factory. There has always been a rumor that ECA did a few, and of course the ages old rationalization that "Packard would do anything you wanted" but in both cases, I have never seen any hard documentation of factory support, so can we please, once and for all, quash this nonsense, as the geometry of installing the sidemounts on a 115 result in their setting much higher in the fender than on the 120's. In my opinion they look tacked on and out of place. People will of course notice the sidemounts, and Packard people will of course notice them from a downward slanting nose posture. If you have to have sidemounts, either get a 120, or ask any sidemounted owner if he wants to get rid of the PITA sidemounts....
Posted on: 2013/9/12 8:09