Re: Remove ignition coil
Forum Ambassador
Here is a photo of the actual Delco and Autolite armored cable ends which attach to the coil bottom.
For a photo of the coils, go to Max Merritt's and in the 35-9 junior category, do a search for ignition coil. He has photos of both Autolite and Delco coils -- whichever your car uses. Both armored cables just release from the coil end but exactly how depends on the coil. One is held with bent over tabs, the other is sort of a twist lock. Once the armored cable attachment is released & the wire is disconnected from the end terminal, the coil can be removed.
Posted on: 2014/5/12 13:59
Re: Remove ignition coil
Home away from home
I hope this picture helps the one on the left is a Delco its is twist lock style while the one on the right is the Auto-Light or crimp style you will see it will have 4 locking tabs.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo NCM_0123.jpg"/></a> Thanks James From Kanter Auto Products
Posted on: 2014/5/12 15:20